
Thursday, 14 April 2016

Study break!!!

Well done, girls!

What a journey it's been!  I'm so proud of you - you've come a long way in a few short months!

Now on to the next phase.  Below is a list of what you should get finished over the next two weeks.
  • CCR #2 (same questions as PT#1 and PT#2, for now)
  • Opening Sequences blog entry (see separate posts in this blog; Representation - Codes & Conventions, and Opening Sequence analyses - Part 2)
  • Foundation Task planning (as per class notes)
  • Practice shoots acceptable with communication (requires driver & my prox tag for gear)
  • Possible filming days (T-F after school, Saturdays; requires driver & my prox tag for gear)
Be strategic.  Make a schedule that covers the next two weeks.  Plan out your days so that you spend time on the projects ahead.  Add rest and chocolate where needed.  :)

See you in Term 2!

- T. Marcus

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

This week...

The recent recording of ambient sound has been copied to the Card 2 folder!  Enjoy.  :)

Original post:
In light of our hard work on the in-class essay, I've decided to allow the Creative Critical Reflection for PT#2 to be completed during the term study break.  (Gratitude may be expressed through applause and / or chocolate should you find it absolutely necessary.)

Further tasks will be added in a later post - for now, finish those edits!  If you finish early, your next priority should be to complete the Opening Sequences task.

The edits are already looking much better than in the previous task!  Keep it up!  Be creative and have fun!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Fair warning...

Hi everyone,

I'm tidying the blog organisation, which means that some things aren't where they were.  Ultimately, everything is still in the tabs on the right, and SHOULD be easier to find now.

Let me know if you have any questions.

- T. Marcus

Friday, editing PT#2

Alexis -

Since you're not in today, here's what I'd like you to focus on from home and over the weekend:

Take a few minutes right now to write a bulletpoint list of things that worked well on the shoot.

  • Now write a list of things that didn't work or needed adjustment.
  • Note down some things you did in order to adjust.
  • Note down some things you've already noticed have needed adjustment in post (editing).

This information will be invaluable as you construct your blog entries for the task.

You need to make sure that the following is also on your blog:

  • Evidence of planning for Preliminary Task #1
  • Evidence of planning for Preliminary Task #2
  • Representational Codes entry (re-construct from your latest draft on your blog, if necessary)
  • Continue work on your Opening Sequences entry

Also do the study into the Logos and Credit Sequences, using the links in the Resource tab as well as in the previous two blog entries below this one.

Brooke is spending today largely in editing, and she's already discovered at least one thing that ought to have been thought of either during filming or in the pre-production planning.  Again, this is all good learning experience and preparation for the Foundation Portfolio assignment.

Hope you feel better soon!

- T. Marcus

Monday, 4 April 2016

Credit Sequences & Saul Bass

Hi ladies,

These are the links we looked at yesterday on Saul Bass.  Make sure you watch them and take notes about the importance and evolution of credit sequences over the years.


- T. Marcus