
Sunday 12 May 2024

Representation Practise - The Good Doctor


1. Watch all of the clips below

2. write down your 'big picture' ideas for each one

3. Write down any evidence for these ideas in the 4 technical areas 

4. Pick 1 and write an opening pragraph that articulates your main ideas in a nutshell. 

(for you it will be the last one as we did the 1st 2 in class)

Opening Sequence setting up representation of main character 

Scene of doctor at work 


Establishing characterisation through conversation 

Thriller research - Alfred Hitchcock

Today I want you to watch this clip of how Alfred Hitchcock creates suspense and make some notes that will inform how you go about creating suspense in your preliminary task.

Sunday 5 May 2024

Psychological Thriller Research

Psychological Thriller 

Here's some resources to use for your project as you explore the codes and conventions of a psychological thriller (use aspects of these ideas to inform your creative decisions as you plan);

Black Swan - hallucination scene

Foundation Portfolio exemplar - Shattered 

(use of mirror with different reflection)

3. 'Fractured' trailer - a good example of a film where you don't know what's real 

- look at colour grading and mise-en-scene in this trailer 

4. Psychological theme ideas - use this in your concept + treatment

Thursday 11 April 2024

Term Break Homework Activity #2 - PT1 CCR

                                            Creative Critical Reflection 


  • PRESENTATION is important (check you have pictures/ photos / colours and that the writing and placement of graphics or backgrounds isn't distracting)
  • BLOG TOOLS - each question needs a DIFFERENT blog tool EMBEDDED into blog

Some good examples 

Question 1
How does your product USE or CHALLENGE conventions? How does it represent social groups / issues?

(Think sound, lighting, narrative structure, editing, camera work, symbolism and iconography)
 - make a list of conventions used, are they conforming to the norm or challenging the normal thriller conventions?
- This needs to be at least 5 slides with DETAILS and showing links to clips/ movies you used as inspiration. Do NOT just list things, EXPLAIN them, show photos of what you wanted to achieve as a convention and what you did achieve

Question 2
How does your product engage with audiences? How would you distribute it as a real media text?

(What effect does it have on audiences? What emotions do you evoke in audience members?)
- Think about and comment on the following;
- Who is your target audience (use demographics research we did in class - GEN Z/ i-gen content.
- Why would this appeal to this audience range?
- How are you going to distribute this product BASED ON what you know about your target audience? (Do they go to the cinema? What sort of marketing would you use? What examples of viral marketing would you try and copy? What platforms would you make this available on and how?)
 - characters (what characters did you choose to use? Can audiences identify with any of them? Are they scary /  mysterious? Is there a vulnerable character that the audience sympathises with?
- narrative - what sort of story line does your film have? Think about narrative structure - are there certain aspects of the story that are revealed at the end? Is there enigma in your story? Is there a cliffhanger?
- point of view - is your film made from a certain point of view?
- How does the thriller genre in general 'hook' or engage audiences? (do a bit of research)
- What editing/ music choices have you used to build suspense and engage audiences?

Question 3
How have your PRODUCTION skills developed throughout the project? (pre-production, production and post-production. What have you learnt to do?

- comment on the learning process. What did you find hard? What did you enjoy doing? What was a challenge and
- what were peer revision/ comments on your rough edit? What did they suggest you change? What did you end up changing?
- what went well in the filming process that you'll do again? What will you do differently next time?

Question 4 - How did you integrate technologies into this project?

(Software, hardware and online)
- Photos! List photos, screenshots, videos and explanations of every website, software, Youtube tutorial, camera, sound gear/ microphone etc, you used to plan, write scripts, look up info on sound effects, convert Youtube music to MP3's, edit, after effects etc

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Week 11 Mon - Friday - PT 1 filming + editing

 Filming + Editing 

This week is set aside for editing and filming.

Make sure you work through the following;

1. Find a good tutorial to teach you how to use DaVinci as a beginner

2. Get your footage sorted and imported into the program

3. Find soundtracks/ scores/ sound effects and use an MP3 converter to make it into a file able to be imported into DaVinci

4. Create a basic timeline of your video within DaVinci 

5. Add in your group logo at the start

6. Use at least 1 After Effect 

7. Add in a title and credits 

8. Create a ROUGH EDIT that is ready for feedback 

Sunday 7 April 2024

Week 11| Tuesday - Piracy Research


This concept of PIRACY can come into an essay on;

- Audience trends

- technology

- ownership 

Look up the piracy stats for your case studies and see what you can find. 

Week 11 | Monday - Filming Update Post

 Task for today 

1. Create a blog post where you record an update of your filming process. What is the plan? WHat have the challenges and roadblocks been to filming? How have you worked around this? 

2. Upload any version 2 documents that you've edited (storyboard/ shot list / call sheet, etc)

3. Make sure you have all technical gear ready for filiming (charge batteries, check SD cards etc.)

4. Make sure you're both on the same page about the way your filming will work 

Thursday 4 April 2024


Study Guide for test Thursday 11th April 2024

Know the definition of and context in which to use the following terminology;

- Monopoly

- The Big 5 (who they are)

- Oligopoly

- Funding 

- Independant films 

- Conglomerate 

- Subsidiary

- Horizontal + Vertical Integration

- Synergy 

- Cross-Media Convergence 

- Franchise 

- Web 2.0

- NZFC and what their role is 

Wednesday 3 April 2024

Week 10 | Thurs - NZFC Research

  Hi guys!

Today's research is going to be useful for any essay regarding ownership.

We are going to look into the New Zealand Film Commission. 

I want you to open your case study blog post and do some research on the NZFC and answer the following questions;

1. Who are the NZFC and what is their primary purpose?
2. What films have they funded in the last 5 years that did really well internationally?
3. What films have they funded in the last 5 years that you have seen or that you know have been popular?
4. What services do the NZFC offer to help NZ filmmakers in the production process?

List of films from NZFC

Now I want you to consider the following question on a brainstorming page that you will title, "INSTITUTIONS (OWNERSHIP)".

Flick though this slideshow and make some notes but keep in mind this is British and we are focusing on the NZFC so mainly take the generalised points about ownership and what affect it has on a film being made.

"How does the status of the institution impact on how they engage with the major stages of production?"
(basically, how does it impact a film being made to have the backing of a massive conglomerate like Disney, as opposed to being a filmmaker from NZ wanting to make an indi film).

Write points for;

1. Production (getting funding / cast & crew / music for the film / technology & equipment)
2. Distribution / marketing ( actors promoting the film / vertical & horizontal integration / synergy & cross-media-convergence)
3. exhibition & exchange (the type of release you may have / the rights to the film / piracy)

Monday 25 March 2024

Week 9 | Mon + Tues - recapping Ownership as a topic

 Hi team,

Today we are recapping and going through Ownership as a full exam question topic. 

We will look at the following aspects of ownership in the film industry;

- Monopoly

- The Big 5 

- Oligopoly

- Funding 

- Independant films 

- Conglomerate 

- Subsidiary

- Horizontal + Vertical Integration

- Synergy 

- Cross-Media Convergence 

- Franchise 

Once we have covered these, you will have some time in class to research examples in your case studies, of CMC, synergy, H + V integration. 

Sunday 24 March 2024

Week 9 | Monday - Disney as a case study - Monpoly / Oligopoly


Take a look at the article on Disney below;

Link to Disney Article

On your notes on ownership, make a list of issues outlined here that arise from Disney being so massive. Include any recent acquisitions and what this means for the film industry and audiences.

Then take a look at this link below;

Disney Article #2

Write down some details of how big Disney's reach is 


Thursday 21 March 2024

Week 8 : HOMEWORK due Thurs

   Hi class

We're going to do some more representation practise. This time we are going for around 900 words (roughly 2 - 3 handwritten pages or 2 typed, size 12 font pages).

You are going to watch this clip (from start to 1min52secs) and include answers the following questions in an essay format.

1. What type of TV Drama is this?
2. What conventions are used to make this, the specific type of drama mentioned above?
3. What groups out of the 7 core media representations of society, are represented in this clip?
4. How are they represented? (What ideas are we presented about them? what meaning is encoded by the maker and decoded by us, the audience?)
5. How has the director used the 4 technical elements to create this representation and overall meaning in this clip?

Week 8 - Friday - Ownership | Disney Case Study


Here's our class video that explains some context for our audiences + institutions work we are about to embark on;

Major film studios are production and distribution companies that release a substantial number of films annually and consistently command a significant share of box office revenue in a given market. 

In the American and international markets, the major film studios, often known simply as the majors or the Big Five studios, are commonly regarded as the five diversified media conglomerates whose various film production and distribution subsidiaries collectively command approximately 80 to 85% of U.S. box office revenue.


Since the dawn of filmmaking, the U.S. major film studios have dominated both American cinema and the global film industry.[5][6] U.S. studios have benefited from a strong first-mover advantage in that they were the first to industrialize filmmaking and master the art of mass-producing and distributing high-quality films with broad cross-cultural appeal.[7] Today, the Big Five majors – Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. Pictures, Walt Disney Pictures, and Columbia Pictures – routinely distribute hundreds of films every year into all significant international markets. It is "nearly impossible" for a film to reach a broad international theatrical audience without being first picked up by one of the majors for distribution.


The Big Six remained dominant until 2019, with Disney's acquisition of 21st Century Fox including TCF. This resulted in a new "Big Five" for the first time since Hollywood's Golden Age. Paramount and Warner Bros. are the only early Big Five members to remain as majors today.[8]


Who are the Big 5?

What is a Subsidiary 

What is a Conglomerate ? 


Case Study 


Disney - write some key facts and information found in the videos below to bolster your Disney case study



Wednesday 13 March 2024

Week 8 - Monday| Audiences + Institutions - Case Studies


Hollywood Sign - Wikipedia

Case Study requirements;

 - a NZ film (What we did in the Shadows) 

- a Hollywood Blockbuster (your choice)

(some good ideas are Black Panther or any Marvel Avenger movie,

- an Indi-film (one not made/ funded by a big Hollywood production studio)

- A film that didn't do well (The Interview)

You need to know EVERYTHING about these films. 

- date of release 

- what their budget was

- what they made on opening weekend

- what gross earnings were for the film

- who directed it

- any A-list cast / actors?

- controversy or context around it - if any?

- who distributed the film? 

- who funded the film (Indi - if so? How did they fund it? - crowd-funding etc)

- what did critics say about it? reviews and how it was received by the public

- how was it distributed? (DVD / streaming platform etc)?

- Marketing campaigns - what was marketing budget / what ways was it marketed? 

Week 7 | Friday - (Homework) Logo Investigation

 Time for the next homework assignment. This is DUE ON Friday 22nd March.

Let's have a look at this peer exemplar!

We need to research film company logos.  Look up images and the history of their creation, and make observations on what seems to be involved in creating a company logo.

Provide example images and a strong paragraph describing your findings.

Talk about how you will apply this information to the design of your company's logo.  Again, provide example images and a strong paragraph. You should have at least 5 logos investigated on your blog and then additionally, your film production company logo ideas too.

I suggest you start the logo investigation links in the research section of our class blog for some ideas.

Have fun!

Sunday 10 March 2024

Week 7: Monday / Tues/ Wed - Representation - 4 technical elements create practise 'Maid'


Today we will go through some ways each technical element can be used to create meaning. 


Work your way through these clips from the Netflix TV drama series called, 'Maid'.You will need to hand this in for marking at the end of Wednesday's lesson.

Write down for each one;

- Big picture ideas (who is represented and how) 

- plan of techniques/ conventions used to portray this meaning in each clip (in a grid with 4 tech areas referenced)

Maid clip – interview at cleaning co.



Maid clip – bear hunt 


Class Analysis 

Maid clip – family dinner 


Class Analysis

Monday 4 March 2024

Week 6 - Tuesday - Active VS. Passive audience theories

Today we are going to look at some active and some passive media theories. 


Activity - 

Create an extension to your slideshare that has these theories all explained in your own words and examples of it. 


- Hyperdermic Needle theory 

- Two-step flow theory  

Take a look at these videos that explain what happened in 1938 when a radio broadcast of a fictional story, caused panic. 

Make some notes for yourin regards to how this story illustrates Stuart Hall's idea of audiences reading the media's dominant reading. Also, relate this to the hyperdermic needle theory. 


Active  - Uses + Gratification Theory 

Today we are going to look at Blumler and Katz's uses and gratification theory. 

Here are the 2 videos we will watch in class, for your reference if you want to revisit them. This theory should be referenced and explained in relation to Question 2 of your. CCR.

In summary 

  1. The audience is conceived as active.
  2. In the mass communication process, much initiative in linking gratification and media choice lies with the audience member.
  3. The media compete with other sources of satisfaction.
  4. Methodologically speaking, many of the goals of mass media use can be derived from data supplied by individual audience members themselves.
  5. Value judgments about the cultural significance of mass communication should be suspended while audience orientations are explored on their own terms.

According to their research, goals for media use can be grouped into five uses.[7] The audience wants to:

  1. Be informed or educated
  2. Identify with characters of the situation in the media environment
  3. Simple entertainment
  4. Enhance social interaction
  5. Escape from the stresses of daily life

Thursday 29 February 2024

Week 5: Friday - Reception Theory

   Hi class

Today I want you to watch this short clip on Stuart Hall's RECEPTION THEORY, read the notes in the link below and make some notes. 

We will go through this in more detail on Monday.

You are going to create a slide share that explains each aspect of his theory. Include an example that illustrates each of the different 'readings', Stuart Hall explains and include pictures. What are some examples of where an audience may choose to adopt each of the 'readings'?  

Some notes;

Reception Theory 
Quick revise

Reception theory as developed by Stuart Hall asserts that media texts are encoded and decoded. The producer encodes messages and values into their media which are then decoded by the audience. However, different audience members will decode the media in different ways and possibly not in the way the producer originally intended.

Stuart Hall states that audience members adopt one of the following three positions when they decode the text:

Dominant, or Preferred Reading - how the producer wants the audience to view the media text. Audience members will take this position if the messages are clear and if the audience member is the same age and culture; if it has an easy to follow narrative and if it deals with themes that are relevant to the audience.

Oppositional Reading - when the audience rejects the preferred reading, and creates their own meaning for the text. This can happen if the media contains controversial themes that the audience member disagrees with. It can also arise when the media has a complex narrative structure perhaps not dealing with themes in modern society. Oppositional reading can also occur if the audience member has different beliefs or is of a different age or a different culture.

Negotiated Reading - a compromise between the dominant and oppositional readings, where the audience accepts parts of the producer's views, but has their own views on parts as well. This can occur if there is a combination of some of the above e.g. audience member likes the media, is of the same age as you and understands some of the messages, but the narrative is complex and this inhibits full understanding.

Many factors could affect whether the audience take the dominant, oppositional or negotiated reading.

  • Age

  • Beliefs

  • Culture

  • Gender

  • Life experience

  • Mood at the time of viewing

    25 Worst Controversial Ads Ever - Famously Bad Ads

    8 Most Controversial Marketing Campaigns

    The best Mother's Day ads - Argon | Adelaide Web Design & Development

    Tesco's controversial ad featuring double-jabbed Santa cleared by watchdog  - Retail Gazette

    ASA reiterates ban for controversial Peta ad


Wednesday 28 February 2024

Week 5 - Thursday / Thriller Analysis

 Hi class

PART A - Thriller Analysis 

Today I want you to watch each of these 2 opening sequences and write a few bullet points on the techniques they used that built suspense.

Pay particular attention to the TITLES and how they work in the first one.

In the rest of them, think about the 4 technical elements and what was particularly effective in the techniques they used.

Embed the links in your own blogs too.

LINK 1 - Until 2.40mins

 LINK 2 - A thriller scene 


- Search on YouTube for some After Effects options that will fit with your opening sequence 

- Embed them into a blog post entitled 'After Effects Research'
- Write a blurb for each video with what you are planning to do and intend to try 
- Practise an effect with a piece of footage 
- export your After Effect practise and embed into your blog for reference 

Here's an AE video tutorial that should help :)

Tuesday 27 February 2024

Week 5 Homework: Opening Sequences (Due Thurs week 6)

  Hi everyone,

Here's the video from class explaining this homework task...

This homework is due next Thursday 7th March :)

Let's take a look at James Bond, Skyfall's opening credits;

Notice what techniques are used in this opening to the film. 

So here's the task for this week's classwork:

•On your blog create a post titled 'Opening Sequences' and explain the following: 

–What is the purpose of Opening Sequences?
–What is the difference between Opening Credits and a Title Sequence?
–What techniques can be employed in an opening sequence?

Here's some examples of what we mean when we say TECHNIQUES

–Research a modern Thriller and a Hitchcock film of your choice to use as examples, as well s the James Bond, Skyfall clip, above. 
–Demonstrate how both films achieve the purpose of the Opening Sequence, and contrast their techniques.

Here is an updated version of the powerpoint explaining some of the differences between opening sequences and title sequences.  It has a few more leading questions to assist you in the assignment.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

- T. Bianca

Monday 26 February 2024

Week 5: Practise Shoot reflection

Hi team,

I want you to answer the dollowing questions about your practise shoot;

1. What went well?

2. What was a challenge?

3. What will you do differently next time? 

Include some footage and comment on what you want to get better.

Thursday 8 February 2024

Week 2 Homework | Sherlock Clip


Use the Sherlock clip in this post for our task and have this handed in by next week Thursday.

Watch the extract several times and assess how the sequence manages the bridge between 'heavy' and 'light' moods.  (Focus particularly on finding the main / initial shift in tone)

If we haven't already done so, finish your written notes on how the mood is set up in each case by the following micro elements:
  • Camera: shots, angles, movement, composition.
  • Editing: within each section and crucially, between them, to make the 'bridge'.
  • Sound: dialogue, music, effects, atmospheric establishing sound, diegetic v non-diegetic contrasts.
  • Mise-en-Scene: how is this different for the two contrasting storylines; how is mood and atmosphere created in each case through lighting, colour, performance and other aspects?

Remember that your notes need not be exhaustive; for example, you would only record types of camera shots and their resulting effects, rather than the number of times each shot type is used and their corresponding timecodes in the extract.

Finally, use your notes to write a short response about how the technical elements combine to construct mood and tone.  Responses should be one full side in length, so you will very likely not be able to cram in everything you've observed.  Select your best material for the task.

Let me know if you have any questions and have fun :)

- T Bianca

Week 3: Homework + Classwork | Preliminary Task planning

Today for class we are meeting to discuss your Preliminary Task! You are going to work in partners to create an opening sequence.

Today's work is to brainstorm an idea with your partner. Scribble it on paper but create a neat version that will be uploaded to your blog. Then you are going to make your way through the list below for next week's classwork.

Your Preliminary Task brief is as follows;


Create a short scene (around 1.30mins) in an action-thriller that has the following elements;

- 180' Rule

- Shot-reverse-shot

- Match-on-action

- continuity editing

- at least 2 characters

- at least 2 lines of dialogue

-  a chase scene of some sort

- a character opening a door and coming into a room/ building to demonstrate your understanding of match-on-action. 

- iconography, codes and conventions that make your media text recognisable to the viewer as belonging to the genre you're creating.

Here's what you need to use as a checklist:


For now you should have started completing the following and have a list of these incorporated into your planning entry on your blog.

  • Brainstorm
  • Storyboard
  • Script
  • Location
  • Props & Costumes - list them, source them, bring them in
  • Possible Talent - choose and approach for willingness and availability on the day
  • Filming day options - finalise and CONFIRM WITH TALENT
  • Conventions you intend to employ, and rationale
  • Callsheet for talent - make it simple for them so they know what they need to bring
  • Shot list for yourselves - this helps you plan out how you will manage your time
  • Group roles - who will do what on the day?  Who will act as timekeeper?  Director?  Cam-op?
  • Equipment list - plan NOW what you'll need; don't be scrambling on the day
  • Principles of continuity plan (180' Rule/ match on action and shot-reverse-shot) (p.33 coursebook)
Here is a good example of a previous student's planning work (this doesn't contain all that we require for planning but the content is definitely what you should be aiming for).


Everyone needs to upload their delegated tasks to a post on the Group Blog. Work out who is responsible for what and this list also needs to be in your planning post on your blog and on your group blog.

All of this will feed your Creative Critical Reflection, which we will discuss more fully at a later time.  For now, get your planning ready and get filming!  :)

Have fun and please ask questions as you go.

- T. Bianca

Tuesday 6 February 2024

Week 2: Thursday / Friday Classwork

 Take a look at this movie opening, 'A Quiet Place' - the 1st 6 minutes only.

Write a few paragraphs explaining how the 4 technical elements create meaning in terms of TENSION and SUSPENSE which are the main goal of a thriller movie.

Watch this breakdown of the same clip, too...

Sunday 4 February 2024

Week 2 - Monday | Thriller Conventions + Opening Sequences Examples


Today we aregoing to learn about the CONVENTIONS and CODES of the thriller genre.

Then we are going to look at how those are used together to create thriller movie openings. 

Let's have a look at these videos together then answer these questions on your blog;

What sorts of technical elements are being used here and what effect are they creating? 
What do you like and think is effective?
What wasn't done so well?



3. The Paper Boy 

4. Exemption 

Thursday 1 February 2024

Week 1 - Camera Angles + Shot Types

  Hi guys!

Here's a video I made for when I was away that we never got to. It goes over some of the technical aspects of breaking down shot types.

Have a watch of my video for today;

1. File the technical elements, the glossary and common shot types handouts 

2. watch these 2 videos below

3. Copy the YouTube video URL into your own blog and write a short blurb about what you learnt

4. Make a Canva document of your own with examples of the following shot-types

(you can take photos on your phone, upload to your computer and then embed them into your blog post)

a. close-up

b. extreme close-up

c. establishing shot 

d. mid-shot

e. low angle shot

f. high angle shot

g. canted angle 

h. point of view shot 

i. over-the-shouler shot

Week 1 - Friday


Sunday 28 January 2024



Well done in making it to AS level Media Studies this year! It's going to be a fun ride :)

By now we would have had a chat where you would have been spoken through the year plan and given an overview of what lies ahead.

Here's your checklist of what to do today;

1. Crate a Gmail accout to use for school (this should be sensible and include your name somehow)

2. Create a blog with your Gmail account and full name using 

3. Email me at with your log in details for your Gmail as well as your blogger link (username and password)

4. Create a Youtube account using your Gmail you've just created

Once you've done that, have a look through solme of the blogs of previous students and star to get an idea of what you're required to do this year.

Looking foreward to chatting about this course, more! 
