
Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Next steps...

Hi everyone,

Now we finish Preliminary Task #1.

Your homework therefore is to complete the edit itself (I recognise this needs to be done in study breaks, at normal school breaks and during class times).

Final cut due Thursday.  To that end, the double block tomorrow will largely be devoted to editing.

CCR's - rough version; also due Thursday.  ROUGH version.  I want basic information you intend to discuss, plus technically-based observations.  Actual creative mediums need to have been considered though not necessarily 'up and running'.

Let me know if questions.

- T. Marcus

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Representational Essay #1 - Bourne

Okay everyone, next challenge:

Embedded below is an extract from The Bourne Identity.  You should watch it at least four times.  During the first screening, you should not make notes; during the second, third and fourth screenings you should make notes, as well as making additional notes between these subsequent viewings.  You should also compare and develop these notes using your class notes from our recent class screening, and compile them to answer the question below.

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs meaning through the following:
  • camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • editing
  • sound
  • mise-en-scene

Your answer should be approximately 3 sides in length (no less than 2 1/2 sides, leaning towards 3 to 3 1/2).  Cover as many of the bulletpoints as you can, and refer also to representational theory.

Remember the Key Topic areas of Representation, and remember that these are KEY areas but not the ONLY areas.  Still, most observations on social groups and social issues will eventually circle back to one of those seven topics.

This is due Wednesday 15th March.

- T. Marcus

Sunday, 5 March 2017

This week, PT#1, and Creative Critical Reflections

Hi everyone,

I very nearly decided to simply say "Yes, please" for this post.  But I'll be somewhat more descriptive.

As you know, this week's assignment is the Thriller Sub-genres blog post, due Wednesday.  Stay on this at home; you won't have class time for it this week.  That said, breaks and study periods may potentially be used after prior communication with me.

Preliminary Task #1 should have a COMPLETED rough edit as soon as possible.  I'm projecting that this will be next week.  That said, don't dawdle.  We will be editing the majority of tomorrow and all of Wednesday class.  That MAY be enough to get a basic sequence in place.  Again, editing can be done in breaks and study periods, but prioritise homework or studying for tests.

We will begin designing our responses to the CCR questions during the wrap-up phase of editing, but RIGHT NOW you should write down things that went wrong or you had to change or things you've already noticed or learned.  Keep a notepad next to you while you edit; you'll keep noticing and changing things!  Log it all.  It's fantastic fodder for your CCR's.

Have fun.

- T. Marcus