
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Thriller sub-genre homework

Hi everyone-

Now that your filming is done, we'll mostly be into editing during class time.  That being the case, you need something to do at home.  Perfect timing, really, considering what's coming.

Your next blog assignment:

Thriller sub-genres-

  • Research 6-10 thriller sub-genres.
  • You will define the core content, themes, techniques and conventions that are characteristic to each sub-genre.
  • You will also give examples of common methods used to achieve the desired effects.
  • List 1-5 appropriate movies that land in the category of the sub-genre you are discussing.

This is due Thursday 7th March.  Take note, because after this we'll be doing an essay on an extract from The Bourne Identity relating to and demonstrating your understanding of the thriller genre.



Monday, 18 February 2019

Week 3's homework - PT1 P{lanning

Hi everyone

This week's homework is a BLOG ASSIGNMENT for Preliminary Task 1 Planning.

Here's what you need to use as a checklist:

For now you should have started completing the following and have a list of these incorporated into your planning entry on your blog.

  • Brainstorm
  • Storyboard
  • Script
  • Location
  • Props & Costumes - list them, source them, bring them in
  • Possible Talent - choose and approach for willingness and availability on the day
  • Filming day options - finalise and CONFIRM WITH TALENT
  • Conventions you intend to employ, and rationale
  • Callsheet for talent - make it simple for them so they know what they need to bring
  • Shot list for yourselves - this helps you plan out how you will manage your time
  • Group roles - who will do what on the day?  Who will act as timekeeper?  Director?  Cam-op?
  • Equipment list - plan NOW what you'll need; don't be scrambling on the day
  • Principles of continuity plan (180' Rule/ match on action and shot-reverse-shot) (p.33 coursebook)


Everyone needs to upload their delegated tasks to a post on the Group Blog. Work out who is responsible for what and this needs to be completed for Tuesday, too.

All of this will feed your Creative Critical Reflection, which we will discuss more fully at a later time.  For now, get your planning ready and get filming!  :)

Have fun and please ask questions as you go.

- T. Bianca

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Opening Sequences Homework assignment

Hi everyone,

So here's the task for this week's homework!

•On your blog, explain the following: (create a post titled 'Opening Sequences')
–What is the purpose of Opening Sequences?
–What is the difference between Opening Credits and a Title Sequence?
–What techniques can be employed in an opening sequence?
–Research a modern Thriller and a Hitchcock film of your choice to use as examples.

(check out for research purposes)
–Demonstrate how both films achieve the purpose of the Opening Sequence, and contrast their techniques.

Here is an updated version of the PowerPoint we saw in class.  It has a few more leading questions to assist you in the assignment.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

- T. Bianca

Monday, 4 February 2019

Week 2's homework

Hi team

Here are the details for homework this week... also found on page 87 (Activity 2.7)

This work is to be done on your Blog. Create a 'research' tab and make this your first entry under that.

1.Read the 'Teen Drama' section of your coursebooks (p.81 - 86). Take note particularly of the txt box on page 84 for an example of how to produce a plot synopsis requires in point 3. 

2.  Choose an episode of a TV TEENAGE drama to analyse (preferably available on Youtube so you can cut and paste the episode with time-code to your blog for my reference)

Click here for a list of potential TV Dramas for your choice.

2. Produce a plot synopsis with key issues represented in BOLD (see page 84 for example).

3. Conduct a content analysis to calculate the percentage of the episode devoted to each of the 3 categories below.

- Serious Social Issues  (e.g. bullying/ domestic violence/ treatment of immigrants etc)

- Everyday aspects of teenage life (e.g. learning to drive etc.)

- Teenage relationships ( e.g. parental pressures, romance etc.)

4. When you have worked out percentages, write a paragraph on how relevant this episode is to your life right now. In what ways? Give examples and discuss the extent to which this is the case.

Yell out if you have any questions and please get your teen drama choice to me by the end of the week.

Have fun!
