
Sunday, 30 June 2019

Audiences research - Platforms

Hi class

Here are some articles I'd like you to read over the next 2 class lessons. We will discuss your findings on Friday 5th July.

Make some notes of important, relevant and useful information. Then complete the following task...


How are the audience trends of media consumption being affected by the changing technology in society? How would this information affect marketing,  distribution and exhibition for a film you were making? Give examples and statistics to back up your answer. 

Tuesday, 25 June 2019

Representation Essay Practise

Hi guys

Below is an extract, similar to what you can expect for your exam.

Watch it through 3 times and write down the following on a piece of paper laid out how you have been guided to plan for your essay:

1. Who is represented out of the 7 main representation areas?
2. What messages are we given about these groups?

Combine these by summing up your 3 main ideas into statement sentences that will form the basis for your argument and analysis in an essay.

3. Write down evidence in the form of examples in the 4 technical areas that supports your argument statements.

Monday, 24 June 2019

Week 9: Blog Homework

Hi everyone!

This week we are focusing on our blogs! These are an essential element in your final grading and will be assessed by Cambridge at the end of the year.

Here is what needs to be done:

Set your Blog to preview and scroll through each post. Make notes for each post and what you need to 'fix' for it to be submission-ready.

1. Labels

- everything needs to go into either PT 1, PT2, Foundation Portfolio or Research

2. Presentation

- view your Blogs in preview and see what the font size, font colour and overall presentation looks like. Fix anything that detracts from your content.

3. Links embedded

- Any Youtube clips, Prezi presentations or other links need to be embedded, not just cut and pasted.

4. Headings

- Check all posts are correctly labelled with task / assignment name. Don't use abbreviations. For example Q2 in your CCR, Label it Question 2, have the whole question written out and after you've referred to Creatie Critical reflection, you are OK to say CCR.

5. Add photos

- You want your blog to be colourful, interactive and visual! Add photos to things like CCR's and planning where possible.

Overall, you want to make your blog easy to mark. Don't make your examiner work hard. Keep it simple, make it nicely set and spaced out, make it pleasant to read. The content is done, that's the hard part. Now you're wanting to pretty it up!

Please work on this each day and set goals to be able to show me daily what you've accomplished.


Sunday, 16 June 2019

CCR Homework - Week 8

Hi guys,

This week you are working on your CCR's.

Each day you will be required to bring in progress on your CCR questions for feedback and guidance. Remember these need to be put into Blog Tool presentation format and really need to be thoroughly answered.

Start with Question 1 and work your way through. You have already completed question 2 so you only have the other 3 to do.

Here is the official CCR Brief from the syllabus.

"On completion of your media product, the candidates must reflect upon their work, using digital formats such as director commentaries, slideshow with voiceover, podcasts, prezis or screencasts. The emphasis should be on creative use of such tools to CRITICALLY reflect on the production, guided by the following compulsory questions:

1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
2. How does your product engage with the audience and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
3. How did your production skills develop over this project?
4. How did you integrate technologies - software, hardware and online, into this project?

Remember you are not just doing a running commentary on what you did. This needs to be a critical evaluation. What did you learn? How well did you plan work? What did you change, why? What did you learn through the process of pre-production, production and post-production?

Don't assume we know anything because of PT 1 & 2. Work as though we know nothing of your filmmaking journey.

Please ask lots of questions, refer to previous years and let's nail this CCR third time around!


Monday, 10 June 2019

Week 7 Homework

Hi guys

This week we are going to have another crack at REPRESENTATION!

Using the knowledge we gained in the last class on the way to approach this question, give this a go!

Remember, do the rough work / note taking in preparation for your exam.


How does the following clip create meaning and represent certain sectors of society?

(remember to first work out WHAT ARE THE BIG IDEAS, WHO ARE BEING REPRESENTED? Then find evidence to support this within the 4 technical areas).

Sunday, 9 June 2019

Week 6 Homework

Hi class

Please can you work on your CCR Question for homework this week. I need a lengthy, well researched answer that incorporates your audience research from a couple of weeks back. I want you to answer the question:

How does your film engage with your audience? How will you distribute your film as a real media txt?

You can use a hypothetical situation here. This is your Foundation Portfolio, so all you research and findings need to be evidenced in your CCR for this project. If you would enter it into a film festival, which one? Research a good film festival for NZ and abroad for amateur filmmakers and tell us why you would enter it there. How would you target your audience? Be specific! Talk about the different generations and how you would target them knowing what you know about their media use. What sort of social media campaign could you use to get the word out about your movie? How would you create hype for your film?

You can use a lot of your answer from your recent Blog research assignment. Make sure it's presented in the CCR section of your Foundation Portfolio and label it correctly. Use blog tools to make it interactive. We will complete more of this as we progress towards the end of the term.

T- Bianca