
Thursday, 27 July 2023

Week 2: Monday | How the internet changed the film industry

Old movie camera with film clapperboard. Stock Photo by ©kanzefar 73314401

 Hi guys, 

read through this article and add to your essay' 

Click here 

Here's an interesting infographic that highlights some other changes;

Click here 

Week 2 - Tuesday/ Wed - Representation Practise (Maid)

Work your way through these clips from the Netflix TV drama series called, Maid.You will need to hand this in for marking at the end of Wednesday's lesson.

Write down for each one;

- Big picture ideas (who is represented and how) 

- plan of technical techniques used to portray this meaning in each clip 

Maid clip – interview at cleaning co.



Maid clip – bear hunt 


Maid clip – family dinner 


Wk 1 | Friday - CGI fatigue


Barbie behind the scenes … director Greta Gerwig used old-school techniques to bring her vision to life.

Hi guys,

Have a read of this article and make notes that you can add in as an alternative perspective on technological advancements

Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Term 3 - Thursday | Technology Essay Question HOMEWORK

Thursday Classwork and homework 

Here is a question from a previous exam;

 “Digital technologies have transformed the way media is produced and distributed.” Discuss with reference to the media area you have studied. 

- Use your notes from the screening of Side by Side and write an essay answering the question above.
- You want to outline your main points in a short introduction 
- Then go on to explain and providing DETAILS of quotes, statistics and facts from the documentary that make up a strong, robust argument. 
- Remember, this question is asking you to comment on the PRODUCTION process so you can talk about pre-production, production and post production. What ways have technologies changed media production? 
- You HAVE to include at least 3 of your case studies in comments on what technology they used
- This essay should be a minimum of 900 words

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Term 3- Week 1 | Technology changes in film industry - Mon/ Tues / Wed


Hi class,

Here is your next set of tasks:

Mon/ Tues / Wed 

1. Documentary 

Watch the documentary below by Keanuu Reeves (2012). He explores technological developments in the film world. Make lots of notes, answering the questions below. You will need to be able to write an entire essay on this, at exam time and for homework, soon.

2.   Case Study work

- add information to your existing case study documents in relation to technological advancements and also into your homework essay

- Think about the following questions;
-  did they include special effects / after effectcs? If so, what? (were they building  models like for original Star Wars or using CGI? 

What was their budget and in what ways did technology contribute to the budget? (compare big budget Hollywood blockbuster with the Indi film. 
What was each budget and how did technology help them in diffrerent ways?
 Did the lower-budget Indi film shoot on a digital camera?
 Did the blockbuster shoot on film? 


Use the following questions to gather the necessary information;

Questions should be filled out below: 

1) Note down specific changes in technology below and films that have utilized this change in technology...

 2) What has been the exclusive production, distribution and exhibition format for over 100 years?

 3) What is going to replace 35mm film?

 4) Note down key quotes from directors regarding digital and film production and exhibition:

 5) How is digital processed?

 6) How does the documentary discuss the production and post production process? 

7) How is digital helping or hindering film production, post production and exhibition?

 8) Note down key quotes from editors regarding digital post production: 

9) What is the impact of digital technology and what does the future hold?