
Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Week 5: Wednesday 26th / Thurs 27th August (A & I's - Exhibition)

 Hi guys

Today we are looking at EXHIBITION.

Exhibition: The stage that enables the audience to view the film. This can be different formats but usually refers to CINEMA RELEASE.

Terminology you should be able to use in an essay relating to exhibition:

- Cinema

- Simultaneous Distribution

- Format (DVD / ultra-violet / VOD etc.)

- Independent Cinema

- Digital Distribution

- Conglomerate

- Vertical Integration 

Read the following articles about cinema trends as a start to your research:

Movie Exhibition Article #1

Trends Re-Shaping the Film Industry Article

ACTIVITY #1: Due Thursday 27th August 6pm, posted on your blog

- Create around 5 slides of Keynote / Powerpoint on the above process of production. 

- Include the following: Definition of cinema exhibition and outline changes to exhibition in the last 5 years.

- Define and use the following key terminology related to this process:

Multiplex, indépendant cinema, conglomerate, Big 5, festivals, film market, geographic location, opening weekend, prints, digital release, release patterns, schedule and box office figures.

- Outline the exhibition process of at least 2 of your case studies and give details as to how it was exhibited and the factors involved in the success or failure of these films. 

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