
Thursday, 23 September 2021

Friday classwork

Hi Class, 

Here's something to check out in terms of what the examiner was looking for in exams. 

Examiner report from last year

Question to consider in class today:

Question: In your opinion, how significant have changes in technology been in the media area you have studied?

Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Wed / Thursday Classwork - Audience exam practise essay

 Hi guys,

Here is the exam question we are going to practise answering. We will discuss this as a class today and write up / draw up an essay plan. Then, you will write this for Media work tomorrow, using a 45 minute timer.


"How does your own experience of media consumption illustrate wider patters of audience behaviour?"

Monday, 20 September 2021

Post-Prelim Classwork

 Hi guys,

Today we are going to build on our understanding of the audience trends in NZ. 

Over the next couple of days, read these articles and make some notes in a blog post to show what these audience trends indicate in terms of audience consumption;


Remember you could get a question on audiences and audience trends the exam. You will need to have a good amount of factual research 

Sunday, 5 September 2021

Exam Practise


Here are some exam questions and clips for you to practise with. Feel free to send them through to me for marking.

If you do, I will record your marks and add them to your overall score for the year. This means that if you do well in these practises, you have the opportunity to increase your average with better grades.

QUESTION 1: Representation Practise

- watch 4 times through, take notes for 2 mins between each viewing

- 45 minutes for writing the essay


East Enders (UK TV Drama) 

E.R. (US TV Drama) 

When They See Us (Netflix TV Drama) 

Question 2: Audiences & Institutions

1. Discuss the importance of convergence for institutions. Refer to media areas you have studied.

2. "Audiences are not concerned with where media texts come from." To what extent do you agree with this? 

3. In relation to the media area you have studied, discuss the way that audience consumption had changed over time.

4. To what extent is digital distribution vital to the media area you have studied? 

5. How do media institutions target national and local audiences in the media area you have studied? 

6. How important are media ownership and funding in understanding contemporary media practise? Refer to the media area you have studied. 

7. How far have audiences adapted to the changes in the media technologies in recent years? Refer to media areas you have studied.

8. How has cross-media-convergence and synergy played a role in the success of media in the area you have studied? 

Thursday, 2 September 2021

Monday, 30 August 2021

Representation Practise - Hotel Babylon

 Hi guys,

You are going to watch this clip and do a practise exam question on it;


Explain how meaning is created using the four technical elements in the following clip;

Remember to practise for exams by watching this through 4 times and give yourself 2 minutes in-between viewings for note-taking and then 45 minutes to write your essay. Also, note that the exam clip will be about 3 -4 minutes so not quite as long as this one. 

Some new Key Words for your glossary;


 a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.


a very typical example of a certain person or thing.
"he was the archetype of the old-style football club chairman"

the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.
"the juxtaposition of these two images"

a corresponding or opposite type
an opposite type.


a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

Motif & Symbols


Thursday, 26 August 2021

Friday 27th Aug - LOTR Case Study (technology)

 Hi guys,

Let's take a good look at an example of technology being used in film.

Here's some facts around the movies 

LINK for Wikipedia 

Watch this Lord of Rings Video and make some notes about the technology used in the LOTR movies. 

RESEARCH Questions:

1. Who is making the new LOTR TV series? 

2. Where was this being filmed? 

3. Where have they just moved production to?

4. What technology is being used in this TV series as a result of not filming 'on location' like the movies were? 

Monday, 23 August 2021

Lockdown Week 2 / Thursday- SLIDESHARE ASSIGNMENT

 Read through the following infographic;


 - make a slide-share with key information in the following categories 

1. Pre-Production

2. Production

3. post production

4. Marketing and distribution

5. Exhibition 

6. Consumption and exchange 

- Add information and graphics to your Slide-Share from the 'Side by Side' doco that you've watched. 

- Include examples (with details) of your own case studies for how technology was used in the creation and distribution of your film. 

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Lockdown - week 2 Tuesday

 Hi guys,

Today you're going to start a new page of notes called - Technology

Watch this over the next couple of days and make extensive notes for an essay question that you could get in regards to technology (lots of details);


Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Lockdown Thursday Representation

 Hi class,

Watch this clip from the teen drama, 'Riverdale'. 

- Create a page with notes for what you'd write in an essay, commenting on how the 4 technical areas are used to create meaning

- Write down what you think the 'big ideas' are in terms of who is being represented & how

- think about the idea of 'stereotypes' and how those traditional stereotypes are either challenged or conformed to.

We will discuss this in class tomorrow, online :) Make sure you have some good thoughts for each technical area!


Lockdown classwork - Synergy & Cross Media Convergence essay

Hi guys!

Unfortunate that we can't be at school this week but hey, now you have some extra 'forced' time at home and what better to do than get practising for your exams!

Task: Essay Question - Due Thursday 10am.

Once you have completed all the research on the blog from this week, you will set a timer for 45 minutes (in prep for exam time limits) and answer the following question (using all your info from your research).

"Synergy and Cross-Media-Convergence are vital processes in the successful marketing of media products to audiences." To what extent do you agree with this statement in relation to your chosen media area?

*** remember***

- use film case studies - lots of them!

- give lots of details (if you mention a film, include director, year it was released, budget, how much it made at Box Office etc

- use institutional case studies (Disney & NZFC)

- contrast and compare 

- use terminology 

Monday, 16 August 2021

Cross-Media-Convergence - taking a closer look

 Take a look at this slightly tedious but very informative video and make some notes on the difference between Cross-Media-Convergene and Synergy.

SLIDESHOW Video link

Synergy - getting a clearer picture of what it is

Hi class,

In preparation for Wednesday's essay, I want you to watch this video and make some detailed notes (in your own words), explaining what synergy is. 

You should also have some examples (like the Black panther examples) of how your case studies used examples of Synergy.  

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Synergy in Disney - Case Study research

Hi class,

Read this article on Disney

Article #2 

Make some detailed notes about examples of Synergy in Disney's company.

Refresh your knowledge of Disney by making some more notes on this Disney YouTube clip;


Thursday, 12 August 2021

Classwork - Friday: Marketing and Promotion

Hi class,


Read this link

Make some notes to add into your essay on how companies do cross-media-convergence / synergy as well as looking into what techniques your case studies used. 


Sunday, 8 August 2021

Classwork Monday - Tues

 Task 1: Blogs - label ALL blog posts

- Advanced Portfolio Major Task

- Advanced Portfolio Minor Task 

- Research 

Task 2: CCR - add in narrative theory & Star Image theory if you haven't already;

Narrative Theory 


Narrative theory is based on the concept that people are essentially storytellers. Storytelling is one of the oldest and most universal forms of communication and so individuals approach their social world in a narrative mode and make decisions and act within this narrative framework (Fisher 1984).

Task 3: re-do Media Regulation essay 

- take into consideration essay notes I wrote on your essays

- use essay guide handout

- check-out 'post-truth' as a concept and include that in your intro

- Include major events in "History of Censorship in NZ" into your essay 

Re-write this essay, for some of you it will mean tweaks, for some it will mean completely re-doing it. Think about short, sweet, to-the-point paragraphs, FULL of stats, case-studies and examples. 

Remember this one is shorter than your media ecology one. You have 30 mins to write this essay although you want this to be extensive so you can use it to study from. 

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Representation Practise "Homeland" - Classwork

Watch this clip through and write down who/ what groups out of the 4 core areas of society are being represented and in what way. 

We will go through this in detail, in class. 

- write a fresh list for your reference of the 7 core areas of society that are represented in media
- watch this clip through again
- write down who you think out of those 7 core areas are being represented
- write down a list of how you would describe those represented groups by how this clip portrays them
- write an opening paragraph to an essay that starts with;

In this ______ TV drama, 'Homeland', we see the representation of _________ and _________. _______ are represented as being A, B & C. _______ are represented as being X, Y & Z. 

- then go on to collate examples of technical elements you would use to back up this argument, filling in the 4 quadrants of notes in each area. 

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

End of Audience Theory - Shirky

 Shirky – end of audience theory.


What is it?

Audience behaviour has changed due to the internet and the ability for audiences to create their own content at home thanks to the lower cost of technology. This new audience doesn’t just consume media, but also produces it – creating the term ‘prosumer’.

Amateur content made this way has different values to professional media producers, in that it promotes a connection between other amateur producers – they both deeply care about the products they make and can help them work together.

When they work together in this way, audiences can make more content than producers – Wikipedia is a good example of this.

What is the advanced version?

In the ‘old’ media, centralised producers addressed atomised consumers; in the ‘new’ media, every consumer is now a producer. Traditional media producers would ‘filter then publish’; as many ‘new’ media producers are not employees, they ‘publish then filter’.

These amateur producers have different motivations to those of professionals – they value autonomy, competence, membership and generosity. User-generated content creates emotional connection between people who care about something. This can generate a cognitive surplus – for example, Wikipedia can aggregate people’s free time and talent to produce value that no traditional medium could match.

‘The Audience’ as a mass of people with predictable behaviour is gone. Now, behaviour is variable across different sites, with some of the audience creating content, some synthesising content and some consuming content. The ‘old’ media created a mass audience. The ‘new’ media provide a platform for people to provide value for each other.

Homework Question


Here's your question for this week's essay. Due next THURSDAY.

"Analyse how media institutions are using different platforms to engage with their audiences."

You need to include Shirky's audience theory as well as the passive and active audience theories we covered in class. 

Please have a brainstorm version of your plan to show me by Monday next week.

All the best!


Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Reception Theory - Stuart Hall

Watch this video and write down the key terms for the way Stuart Hall describes active audiences as decoding and encoding messaging in media;

Then looking at all 3 theorists you have researched today, include 1 in your current homework essay. (Add this in by referencing the theorist and applying the theory to the clip).

Sunday, 1 August 2021

  Hi guys,

This is a CRIME DRAMA, "Breaking Bad". You are going to write a representation essay on this clip, looking at the 4 technical areas and how meaning is created. Remember to use your glossary and plan your essay out like you have been taught. 



"Explain how the meaning is created using the four technical areas, in the following clip."

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Friday Classwork - Piracy video


Study Break Homework

 Hi class

TASK A: NZ Film Market Research 

- Read this article and write down what the NZFC does:

- Read this article (mainly the 1st 2 paragraphs) and make some points about NZ's film industry and where it's come from

- Read this page of NZFC's website and make a few points about the way they distribute films

Read these articles and make some notes relating to the film industry in NZ

Link to article on recent funding for NZ films

NZ Film industry facts

TASK B: Ownership Essay

Using the 'formula' for essay-writing that we have practised, you are going to write an essay on Media Ownership. Answer the following question;

"Discuss the impact of funding on media products"

- Your essay should be 3 full pages in hand-written length, ready to hand in on the first day back at school. You should be able to do this in an hour and narrow that down to 45 minutes for an exam as you get quicker. 

- You should also hand in an essay plan that includes a brainstorm of topics / case studies that you plan to include in your essay.

- Remember to add in comparisons of FILM CASE STUDIES, Disney as your institution as well as the NZ market vs. Hollywood. 

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Thursday Classwork: Synergy and Cross-Media Convergence in your case studies

Hi guys!

Today I want you to do some research into MARKETING strategies for your case study films.

I want you to add examples of SYNERGY and CROSS-MEDIA CONVERGENCE for how your films were marketed to their audience. 

Did they use any marketing campaigns? Were they global? Were they successful? Did they use vertical integration in any cases? 

Write a few bullet points for each case study movie.

ALSO, we are adding Disney to our case study list as an institution we study. I want you to write down a few key examples from our online class as well as add a few of your own to the list on how they successfully use synergy and cross-media convergence in marketing. 

Here's the Disney video we checked out the other day if you want to re-watch it to make some notes.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Disney Case Study research

 Hi class

Today we are going to look at DISNEY as our Institution example / case study.

I want you to watch this short clip and make some notes 

Then go to this link and make some more notes about the company - more importantly, the first paragraph on what the company owns

Then look at the example of how Disney used synergy and cross-media convergence to market Star Wars, in this article.

Sunday, 27 June 2021

Case Studies Work - Monday / Tues

 Hi class

You are going to need CASE STUDIES for your exam and for us to discuss in class. You are going to open a blog post and title it 'Case Study Research' where you will document your findings.

Case Study requirements;

 - a NZ film (What we did in the Shadows) 

- a Hollywood Blockbuster (your choice)

- an Indi-film (one not made/ funded by a big Hollywood production studio)

- A film that didn't do well (The Interview)

You need to know EVERYTHING about these films. 

- date of release 

- what their budget was

- what they. made on opening weekend

- what gross earnings were for the film

- who directed it

- any A-list cast / actors?

- controversy or context around it - if any?

- who distributed the film? 

- who funded the film (Indi - if so? How did they fund it? - crowd-funding etc)

- what did critics say about it? reviews and how it was received by the public

- how was it distributed? (DVD / streaming platform etc)?

- Marketing campaigns - what was marketing budget / what ways was it marketed? 

Thursday, 10 June 2021

Logo Investigation

Time for the next blog task, everyone! This is DUE ON THURSDAY 17th June.

Let's have a look at this peer exemplar!

We need to research film company logos.  Look up images and the history of their creation, and make observations on what seems to be involved in creating a company logo.

Provide example images and a strong paragraph describing your findings.

Apply this information to the design of your company's logo.  Again, provide example images and a strong paragraph. You should have at least 4 and maximum 6 logos investigated on your blog and then additionally, your film production company logo too.

I suggest you start the logo investigation links in the research section of our class blog for some ideas.

Have fun!


Wednesday, 2 June 2021

Thriller opening sequences research

 Hi class

Today I want you to watch each of these 3 opening sequences and write a few bullet points on the techniques they used that built suspense.

Pay particular attention to the TITLES and how they work in the first one.

In the rest of them, think about the 4 technical elements and what was particularly effective in the techniques they used.

Embed the links in your own blogs too.

LINK 1 - Until 2.40mins

LINK 2 - A quiet Place first 2.30mins

 LINK 2 - A thriller scene 

PT 2 CCR - Homework

 Hi guys

This homework is due THURSDAY 10th June.


  • PRESENTATION is important (check you have pictures/ photos / colours and that the writing and placement of graphics or backgrounds isn't distracting)
  • BLOG TOOLS - each question needs a DIFFERENT blog tool EMBEDDED into blog

Question 1
How does your product USE or CHALLENGE conventions? How does it represent social groups / issues?
(Think sound, lighting, narrative structure, editing, camera work, symbolism and iconography)
 - make a list of conventions used, are they conforming to the norm or challenging the normal thriller conventions?
- This needs to be at least 5 slides with DETAILS and showing links to clips/ movies you used as inspiration. Do NOT just list things, EXPLAIN them, show photos of what you wanted to achieve as a convention and what you did achieve

Question 2
How does your product engage with audiences? How would you distribute it as a real media text?
(What effect does it have on audiences? What emotions do you evoke in audience members?)
- Think about and comment on the following;
- Who is your target audience (use demographics research we did in class - GEN Z/ i-gen content.
- Why would this appeal to this audience range?
- How are you going to distribute this product BASED ON what you know about your target audience? (Do they go to the cinema? What sort of marketing would you use? What examples of viral marketing would you try and copy? What platforms would you make this available on and how?)
 - characters (what characters did you choose to use? Can audiences identify with any of them? Are they scary /  mysterious? Is there a vulnerable character that the audience sympathises with?
- narrative - what sort of story line does your film have? Think about narrative structure - are there certain aspects of the story that are revealed at the end? Is there enigma in your story? Is there a cliffhanger?
- point of view - is your film made from a certain point of view?
- How does the thriller genre in general 'hook' or engage audiences? (do a bit of research)
- What editing/ music choices have you used to build suspense and engage audiences?

Question 3
How have your PRODUCTION skills developed throughout the project? (pre-production, production and post-production. What have you learnt to do?
- comment on the learning process. What did you find hard? What did you enjoy doing? What was a challenge and
- what were peer revision/ comments on your rough edit? What did they suggest you change? What did you end up changing?
- what went well in the filming process that you'll do again? What will you do differently next time?

Question 4 - How did you integrate technologies into this project?
(Software, hardware and online)
- Photos! List photos, screenshots, videos and explanations of every website, software, Youtube tutorial, camera, sound gear/ microphone etc, you used to plan, write scripts, look up info on sound effects, convert Youtube music to MP3's, edit, after effects etc

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Foundation Portfolio Planning

 Foundation Portfolio Brief

  • Create an opening scene for any Thriller sub-genre of your choice.  The opening sequence needs to set up a Thriller movie, introducing key characters and hinting at the story line ahead, setting up the plot that will unfold. It needs to have the following technical requirements;
  1. It needs to follow the 180' Rule
  2. Include shot-reverse-shot
  3. Match on Action
  4. Logo conceptualised and created by one of your group members
  5. At least 2 Special FX from After Effects 
  6. 2 - 2.5 mins long
  7. Credits and title of the movie
Remember to think carefully about your sub-genre and try your hand at something new.

Have fun and remember to think smart, write down all your planning and log ALL changes, problems encountered and things learnt along the way for your CCR.

Planning Outline - Due Thursday 3rd June

Here is your checklist to work through. Some things you should ALL do, e.g. concept treatment & storyboard)  some things only you will be responsible for (e.g. storyboard/ script)

1. Brainstorm (all include a version of this, show record of ideas developing into final idea)
2. Concept – HERE is the link for the template of how to do this
3.   Treatment - see link HERE for template for how to do this
4.  Storyboard (you can either print the template off our class blog, left side under ‘film templates’ or if you don’t have a printer, draw up your own template to use).
5.    Script & Talent
6. Shot List
7.     Location / Setting (do some research, find photos of the look you are after and places that could work for setting. Find some movies with setting / location that you want to replicate)
8.     Props & costumes (again, find examples of EVERY prop and costume you want to use. What other movies have they used them in? What look and feel are you going for? What colours are going to be symbolic? What props are going to be used in iconography? Include lots of photos/ screenshots of movies and write about the ‘why’ you would make this creative choice).
9. Film Schedules
10. Call Sheets

11.     Lighting (you need a lighting plan. Show you have done some research to find lighting styles you like and want to replicate. Explain how you will get your desired effect).
10.     Camera (in this you include shot types and camera movement you want to explore and try out. Maybe it’s things like  dolly shot where you want the camera moving or a high establishing shot? Get examples of what you want to try replicate and look up/ plan creative ways to get this. For a dolly shot you can put your camera on a wheelie chair, a tracking shot can be on a skateboard etc. Get creative! Are you going to use lots of close-up’s? Are you going to use lots of obstruction of vision in what you include in your shot? Whose point of view is the story told from?
9.     Sound – who is going to do this on the day? Then you all need to start researching sound. What do you plan on including in your sound? Hat soundtracks have you found? What sound effects? What movies or short films achieve what you want to achieve in sound and how will you use them as inspiration?
      10. Director / time keeper

11.     Editing – look up some cool editing techniques like how to do a chase scene, how to do flashbacks, how to do fast paced edits, how to create a disorientated feel via editing. Do some research and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with editing in this short film opening

12. Logo - design, placement/ animation (track all stages of designs, revision drafts, issues, decisions and finished product as well as treatment explanation for the above).

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Week 14 Homework - Representation Essay

 Hi class,

Here is your representation essay for this week's homework. 

I want you to watch the following extract from a TV Drama series, a few times.
 Watch this extract from Downtown Abbey from 1.05seconds to 5.43 seconds.

The first time, just watch it. The second time, take some notes. The third time, take some more notes as you actively look for representational codes, stereotypes and messages that are presented to us about any of the 7 core media representations that you can identify or recognise in this clip.

Keep the following questions in mind;

1. What groups are being represented to us?
2. Are the messages challenging or conforming to what the media usually portrays in relation to this specific group?
3. How are the 4 technical elements used to send a message about the characters and who they represent in society?
4. How do the 4 technical elements work together to create meaning?

This needs to reflect not just surface observations but a deeper analysis of the way different societal groups are represented and how that impacts the viewer and ultimately society on a broader scale. Remember, the 4 technical elements working together are major clues as to how meaning is embedded and encoded into a text.


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Homework - Wk 13 CCR Question 2 - Audiences


Watch this for some context

Activity 1: Summarise a few key points about each generation in a Canva presentation using this resource

remember to include things like: 

- what years were they born?

- what media consumption patterns do they have? 

Activity 2: Read these resources and then craft your Question 2 CCR Question  

Question 2
How does your product engage with audiences? How would you distribute it as a real media text?

(What effect does it have on audiences? What emotions do you evoke in audience members?)
- Think about and comment on the following;
- Who is your target audience (use demographics research above) - GEN Z/ i-gen content.
- Why would this appeal to this audience range?WHat do they enjoy/ value? 
- How are you going to distribute this product BASED ON what you know about your target audience? (Do they go to the cinema? What sort of marketing would you use? What examples of viral marketing would you try and copy? What platforms would you make this available on and how?)
 - characters (what characters did you choose to use? Can audiences identify with any of them? Are they scary /  mysterious? Is there a vulnerable character that the audience sympathises with?
- narrative - what sort of story line does your film have? Think about narrative structure - are there certain aspects of the story that are revealed at the end? Is there enigma in your story? Is there a cliffhanger?
- point of view - is your film made from a certain point of view?
- How does the thriller genre in general 'hook' or engage audiences? (do a bit of research)
- What editing/ music choices have you used to build suspense and engage audiences?

Thursday, 6 May 2021

Homework - Opening Sequences Pt 2.

 Hi guys,

Next blog task for you to think about and work on during your study break and please note the due date is next Thursday. 


Opening Sequences, pt2\

- Find the opening sequences to THREE Thriller movies.
- Comment on what sub-genre they are.

- Analyse them to answer the following question for each:

How is the sequence engaging and how does it conform to traditional Thriller codes and conventions?
(think about the 4 technical areas as well as narrative conventions)

Embed relevant screenshots or sequence links into your post as evidence.
- Create this blog post with the title of 'Opening Sequences Pt 2' and with a label of RESEARCH.
- Create this blog post using a blog tool.


Thursday, 8 April 2021

Classwork - PT 2 Research

 Hi class

Today we are going to look at the following videos, you are to take notes on what you learn from them, as we watch them;

1. Establishing shots 

2. Setting 

Watch this AS Preliminary Task from another school and write down some points of what is effective in their choice of setting and how the visual elements work with the sound in-particular

This needs thought and planning - why are you going for the choice you're leaning towards? Are you setting it in a house that SHOULD be a place of safety and warmth? A place where your character's guard (and your audience's guard) is down?Are you setting it somewhere isolated? Somewhere in a confined space? Why? 

Creating suspense

Some more exemplars for Thriller Film Openings

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Week 11 - Preliminary Task 2

Hi class

This week is all about Preliminary Task 2

Here's the breakdown for deadlines;

Due Thursday 15th:  

Everything done as a group to be able to complete individual planning during the study-break

- Brainstorm 

- Moodboard

- Storyboard

- Script 

- Vision Board / Moodboard 

Due after Study Break 

- All planning for PT2 (see list below)
- All individual planning up on your own Blog
- All group planning up on Group Blog 

1. We're being more intentional about the creation of suspense / tension through use of specific filming techniques and conventions.

2. It's a good idea to get them to choose a specific thriller sub-genre you want to try to reproduce. You can reference your recent blog assignments on that to decide which conventions you want to use.  PT#2's mark will also take into account how good a job you did at making an accurate representation of this sub-genre.

3. We're switching up roles! Whatever job you had for PT #1

4. For this project, I want you to really focus on SETTING. It has been said that setting can be a character of it's own. Really be deliberate about where you set your project. Think about maximum suspense in this area. 

Second filming task brief-
  •  At leases two characters
  •  At least two lines of dialogue
  •  1 - 2 mins maximum length
  • At least 2 of the following conventions

Technical elements required:
·                Use at least one extreme-wide / establishing shot, one close-up (CU) andone extreme close-up (ECU).
·                Use 180-degree rule
·                Use shot-reverse-shot
·                Use match on action
·                Use Thriller conventions
·                Consider the Critical Reflection questions as you prepare for the main task!
·                After Effects! Explore this technology to decide what you will add into your version of the edit..

All the best! Remember to plan thoroughly, record all your decisions and changes. Work with the end in mind. Lastly, get creative!

Here is your checklist to work through. Some things you should ALL do, e.g. concept treatment & storyboard)  some things only you will be responsible for (e.g. storyboard/ script)

1. Brainstorm (all include a version of this, show record of ideas developing into final idea)
2. Concept – HERE is the link for the template of how to do this
3.   Treatment - see link HERE for template for how to do this
4.  Storyboard (you can either print the template off our class blog, left side under ‘film templates’ or if you don’t have a printer, draw up your own template to use).
5.    Script & Talent
6. Shot List
7.     Location / Setting (do some research, find photos of the look you are after and places that could work for setting. Find some movies with setting / location that you want to replicate)
8.     Props & costumes (again, find examples of EVERY prop and costume you want to use. What other movies have they used them in? What look and feel are you going for? What colours are going to be symbolic? What props are going to be used in iconography? Include lots of photos/ screenshots of movies and write about the ‘why’ you would make this creative choice).
9. Film Schedules
10. Call Sheets

11.     Lighting (you need a lighting plan. Show you have done some research to find lighting styles you like and want to replicate. Explain how you will get your desired effect).
10.     Camera (in this you include shot types and camera movement you want to explore and try out. Maybe it’s things like  dolly shot where you want the camera moving or a high establishing shot? Get examples of what you want to try replicate and look up/ plan creative ways to get this. For a dolly shot you can put your camera on a wheelie chair, a tracking shot can be on a skateboard etc. Get creative! Are you going to use lots of close-up’s? Are you going to use lots of obstruction of vision in what you include in your shot? Whose point of view is the story told from?
9.     Sound – who is going to do this on the day? Then you all need to start researching sound. What do you plan on including in your sound? Hat soundtracks have you found? What sound effects? What movies or short films achieve what you want to achieve in sound and how will you use them as inspiration?
      10. Director / time keeper

11.     Editing – look up some cool editing techniques like how to do a chase scene, how to do flashbacks, how to do fast paced edits, how to create a disorientated feel via editing. Do some research and have a clear idea of what you want to achieve with editing in this short film opening

12. Logo - design, placement/ animation (track all stages of designs, revision drafts, issues, decisions and finished product as well as treatment explanation for the above).