
Wednesday 14 August 2024

T3 | Thursday | Week 3 - Representation Practise - Breaking Bad

   Hi guys,

This is a CRIME DRAMA, "Breaking Bad". Write an introduction outlining your main points and arguments for a representation essay on this clip. 


"Explain how the meaning is created using the four technical areas, in the following clip."

Monday 12 August 2024

T3 | Wk 3 - Tues - Questions to help formulate exam responses

 Answer the following questions using correct definitions and explanation of theory;

1. Write a paragraph in response to the following question;

"How has audience consumption changed over time?" make sure you link in the following concepts;

- technological convergence

- web 2.0

- fragmentation

- Shirky's 'End Of Audience' theory 

- Youtube case study stats and research


2. Write an introduction to an essay that answers the following question;

"How does funding impact the media area you have studied" 

Make sure to include definitions and in correct context, the following terminology/ concepts;

- oligopoly

- monopoly

- horizontal + V integration 

- conglomerate 

- subsidiary

- Disney case study info


3. Explain in a paragraph how the internet has levelled the playing field for Indi filmmakers and the big studios. Make sure to reference the following concepts;

- internet

- web 2.0

- cross-media convergence

- synergy 

- case studies in relation to their marketing 


4. Talk about the NZ film market. Who funds films in NZ and how does it differ from the Big 5? What differences are there? 


5. Comparen and contrast your big bidget Hollywood film and 'Sound of Freedom'. Talk about some key details of them all and how crowd funding has played a role in the indi film


6. What do you think about the world now being a GLOBAL audience? What are the challenges that come with this? Think specifically about China and what we studied. 


Sunday 11 August 2024

T3 | Wk 3 - Monday - Essay-Writing

 Today you're going to pick up where we left off on Friday and you're going to write the Downton Abbey essay :)

45 Minutes on the clock... ready, steady... go!

Thursday 8 August 2024

T3 | Wk 2- Friday - Downton Abbey Representation Practise

Task 1

Check out this clip from Downton Abbey.

I want you to watch it through from 1.36 mins to the end (please note, this will be longer than the average clip you'll get in an exam but for the purposes of practise, it's a great clip).

Task 2: 

Create a blog post with the title, "Downton Abbey Representation Practise" with your notes


1. Who (out of the 7 core representation areas of society) are being represented in this clip? 

(you can choose more than 1 category if you feel it's relevant)

2. How are they represented to us? (what messages are we told about these groups? What are they like? What are their lives like? What are we encouraged / pursuaded to think about them?)

3. Split a planning page up into 4 squares and include your 4 technical elements. Go through the clip from 1.36 and collect EVIDENCE (or examples) of where each technical area created meaning. Use correct terminology AND details of the example you're referring to (you can't just say 'there's lots of close-up's") You will need to watch the clip through 3 - 4 times, like you would in an exam, to get the notes you need. 

Task 2:

Watch this video as it goes through each technical element and how you should be taking notes for your essay;


Tuesday 6 August 2024

T3 | Wk 2 - Youtube Case Study

    ARTICLE with information and stats on YouTube


- how have any of your case studies used Youtube? 

- What sort of success have these case studies had? 

- How much has YouTube and Web 2.0 helped your film reach a wider audience?

Video #1 - An Origin Story 

Video #2 - Youtube's story

- how much content is created everyday?

- Who acquired Youtube and how much was spent?

- how was allowing people to monetise channels, a major shift in the industry?

- how were algorithms  used to Youtube's advantage with subscribers? 

- name some of the ways Youtube has changed and added aspects to their channel to increase audience / subscribers? 

 ARTICLE with information and stats on YouTube

Sunday 4 August 2024

T3 | Wk 2 - Tues - Disney + reaching their audience

 Disney Case Study in relation to REACHING AUDIENCES 

Research the following;

- the ways that Disney reaches it's audiences (what are all the avenues and platforms that Disney connects with audiences?)

- the audience that Disney is trying to target

Thursday 1 August 2024

T3| Wk 1 | Friday - Uses and Gratification Theory

 Hi guys.,

Today we are going to look at Blumler and Katz's uses and gratification theory. 

Here are the 2 videos we will watch in class, for your reference if you want to revisit them. This theory should be referenced and explained in your essay.

T3| Wk 1 - Friday - Distribution

T3 | Wk 1 - Fri - Piracy


This concept of PIRACY can come into an essay on;

- Audience trends

- technology

- ownership 

Look up the piracy stats for your case studies and see what you can find. 

Audience Exam Questions

  Pick a past exam question to answer for homework, set a timer for 45 mins and write an essay using all your research and case study material, a quote and a theory; 

1. Analyse how media institutions are using different platforms to engage with their audiences.

2. Explain how audiences are targeted, built and maintained by media organisations.

3. In relation to the media area you have studied, discuss the ways audience consumption has changed over time.