
Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Week 5 | Thursday - Classwork


 Question 1

How does your product USE or CHALLENGE conventions?
(Think sound, lighting, narrative structure, editing, camera work, symbolism and iconography)
 - make a list of conventions used, are they conforming to the norm or challenging the normal thriller conventions?

Question 2
How does your product engage with audiences and how would you distribute your film as a real media text? (here's some info on film distribution for you to research)

(What effect does it have on audiences? What emotions do you evoke in audience members?)
- Think about and comment on the following;
 - characters (what characters did you choose to use? Can audiences identify with any of them? Are they scary /  mysterious? Is there a vulnerable character that the audience sympathises with?
- narrative - what sort of story line does your film have? Think about narrative structure - are there certain aspects of the story that are revealed at the end? Is there enigma in your story? Is there a cliffhanger?
- point of view - is your film made from a certain point of view?
- How does the thriller genre in general 'hook' or engage audiences? (do a bit of research)
- What editing/ music choices have you used to build suspense and engage audiences?

Question 3
How have your PRODUCTION skills developed throughout the project? (pre-production, production and post-production. What have you learnt to do?
- comment on the learning process. What did you find hard? What did you enjoy doing? What was a challenge and
- what were peer revision/ comments on your rough edit? What did they suggest you change? What did you end up changing?
- what went well in the filming process that you'll do again? What will you do differently next time?

Question 4

How did you integrate technologies into this project?
(Software, hardware and online)
- Photos! List photos, screenshots, videos and explanations of every website, software, Youtube tutorial, camera, sound gear/ microphone etc, you used to plan, write scripts, look up info on sound effects, convert Youtube music to MP3's, edit, after effects etc

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Week 5 | Monday - Sherlock Clip


Watch the extract several times and assess how the sequence manages the bridge between 'heavy' and 'light' moods.  (Focus particularly on finding the main / initial shift in tone)

If we haven't already done so, finish your written notes on how the mood is set up in each case by the following micro elements:
  • Camera: shots, angles, movement, composition.
  • Editing: within each section and crucially, between them, to make the 'bridge'.
  • Sound: dialogue, music, effects, atmospheric establishing sound, diegetic v non-diegetic contrasts.
  • Mise-en-Scene: how is this different for the two contrasting storylines; how is mood and atmosphere created in each case through lighting, colour, performance and other aspects?

Remember that your notes need not be exhaustive; for example, you would only record types of camera shots and their resulting effects, rather than the number of times each shot type is used and their corresponding timecodes in the extract.

Finally, use your notes to write a short response about how the technical elements combine to construct mood and tone.  Responses should be one full side in length, so you will very likely not be able to cram in everything you've observed.  Select your best material for the task.

Let me know if you have any questions and have fun :)

- T Bianca

Thursday, 20 February 2025

Homework due week 5 - Thriller Sub-Genre

 Hi everyone,

Now that the planning is done, after the filming we'll mostly be into editing during class time. Here is your work to be chipping away at, at home.

Your next blog assignment:

Thriller sub-genres-

  • Research 6 thriller sub-genres.
  • You will define the core content, themes, techniques and conventions that are characteristic to each sub-genre.
  • You will also give examples of common methods used to achieve the desired effects.
  • List  at least 3 appropriate movies that land in the category of the sub-genre you are discussing.
  • Create a Canva presentation to present all your information in a visually effective way

Lighting Tutorial

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Week 4 Coursework Guide

This week we are focusing on a few elements to get ready for filming next week. 

You need to:

1. Finish all planning for your project by FRIDAY (all uploaded to your blog AND your contributions uploaded to your group blog) 

2. Plan + confirm filming dates for NEXT WEEK (preferably a double lesson day). This needs to be planned well and in advance so no double bookings for cameras and gear.

3. Confirm where you're filming and get relevant permissions 

4. Check full plan off w/ T-Bianca 

5. Camera tutorial (Tuesday) 

6. Lighting tutorial (Wed)

6. Practise getting some shots and uploading footage to your computers (Thurs / Fri)

7. Watch the DaVinci editing tutorial post if you have time this week  

DaVinci editing tutorial                      



Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Week 3 Homework due week 4

Hi everyone,

Here's the video from class explaining this homework task...

This homework is due Thursday 20th Feb 

Let's take a look at James Bond, Skyfall's opening credits;

Notice what techniques are used in this opening to the film. 

So here's the task for this week's classwork:

•On your blog create a post titled 'Opening Sequences' and explain the following: 

–What is the purpose of Opening Sequences?
–What is the difference between Opening Credits and a Title Sequence?
–What techniques can be employed in an opening sequence?

Here's some examples of what we mean when we say TECHNIQUES

–Research a modern Thriller and a Hitchcock film of your choice to use as examples, as well s the James Bond, Skyfall clip, above. 
–Demonstrate how both films achieve the purpose of the Opening Sequence, and contrast their techniques.

Here is an updated version of the powerpoint explaining some of the differences between opening sequences and title sequences.  It has a few more leading questions to assist you in the assignment.

Let me know if you have any further questions!

- T. Bianca

180 degree angle explained

 Quick Tips: Understanding The 180 Degree Rule!SearchInfoShoppingTap to unmute2xIf playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device.•Up nextLiveUpcomingCancelPlay NowShareInclude playlistAn error occurred while retrieving sharing information. Please try again later.Watch laterShareCopy link


Monday, 10 February 2025

Wednesday - PLanning for PT 1

Today you are going to use the double lesson to plan your Preliminary Task 1.

1. Start with the script, storyboard and basic concept which you'll work together on to formulate the concept and treatment 

2. For each element of the planning, add it to a blog post named 'Preliminary Task 1 Planning'

3. Make sure to reference past students blogs (Foundation Portfolio planning would be better than PT1 or 2)

4. Add lots of pictures, screen shots, links to movies and clips to illustrate your ideas

5. Scan in paper plans (e.g. brainstorm / storyboard and anything else you've done on paper) and upload to blogs 

6. You should have all jobs that were next to your name, accounted for in your planning. 

Thursday, 6 February 2025

T1/ Week 2 homework


 Take a look at this movie opening, 'A Quiet Place' - the 1st 6 minutes only.

Write an essay explaining how the 4 technical elements create meaning in terms of TENSION and SUSPENSE which are the main goal of a thriller movie. 

Try and use as many terminology words as possible and make sure you work through all 4 technical elements. 

This essay will be out of 15 and marked in the following way;

Terminology - 5 (using correct media terminology in the correct context)

Analysis - 5 - (interpreting the question and providing relevent insights, ability to deconstruct the text and derive intended meaning, dependant on how accurately you demonstrate that you understand the codes and conventions of the thriller genre and how the conventions have either been challenged or conformed to)

Explanation - 5 (this is the level of detail included, the depth of analysis and the skill you use to commuinicate your points as well as how well you use actual examples from the text, to back up your points)

e.g. 'the  sad-sounding music in the background makes the audience sad' 

as opposed to

'the non-diegetic score is effective in evoking feelings of sympathy for the family. The violins and stringed instruments provide an eery tone that highlights both the danger that the family are in as well as the twinge of sadness at the careful life they have to live, just to survive. This is paired with shots of everyday life activities, now changed to be silent, for example the mother cooks the family food in the floor boards and serves it on leaf plates."


Watch this breakdown of the same clip, too...

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Wk 2 - Friday / Monday - Group Work planning PT 1

 Today for class we are meeting to discuss your Preliminary Task! You are going to work in groups to create an opening sequence.

Today's work is to brainstorm an idea. Scribble it on paper but create a neat version that will be uploaded to your blog. Then you are going to make your way through the list below for next week's classwork.

Your Preliminary Task brief is as follows;


Create a short scene (around 1.30mins) in an action-thriller that has the following elements;

- 180' Rule

- Shot-reverse-shot

- Match-on-action

- continuity editing

- at least 2 characters

- at least 2 lines of dialogue

-  a chase scene of some sort

- a character opening a door and coming into a room/ building to demonstrate your understanding of match-on-action. 

- iconography, codes and conventions that make your media text recognisable to the viewer as belonging to the genre you're creating.

Here's what you need to use as a checklist:


For now you should have started completing the following and have a list of these incorporated into your planning entry on your blog.

  • Brainstorm
  • Storyboard
  • Script
  • Location
  • Props & Costumes - list them, source them, bring them in
  • Possible Talent - choose and approach for willingness and availability on the day
  • Filming day options - finalise and CONFIRM WITH TALENT
  • Conventions you intend to employ, and rationale
  • Callsheet for talent - make it simple for them so they know what they need to bring
  • Shot list for yourselves - this helps you plan out how you will manage your time
  • Group roles - who will do what on the day?  Who will act as timekeeper?  Director?  Cam-op?
  • Equipment list - plan NOW what you'll need; don't be scrambling on the day
  • Principles of continuity plan (180' Rule/ match on action and shot-reverse-shot) (p.33 coursebook)
Here is a good example of a previous student's planning work (this doesn't contain all that we require for planning but the content is definitely what you should be aiming for).


Everyone needs to upload their delegated tasks to a post on the Group Blog. Work out who is responsible for what and this list also needs to be in your planning post on your blog and on your group blog.

All of this will feed your Creative Critical Reflection, which we will discuss more fully at a later time.  For now, get your planning ready and get filming!  :)

Have fun and please ask questions as you go.

- T. Bianca

Thursday, 30 January 2025

Wk 1 - Friday Classwork - Thriller Codes + Conventions


Today we aregoing to learn about the CONVENTIONS and CODES of the thriller genre.

Then we are going to look at how those are used together to create thriller movie openings. 

Let's have a look at these videos together then answer these questions on your blog;

What sorts of technical elements are being used here and what effect are they creating? 
What do you like and think is effective?
What wasn't done so well?



3. The Paper Boy 

4. Exemption 

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Week 1 - HOMEWORK due Fri Wk 2

1. File the technical elements, the glossary and common shot types handouts 

2. watch these 2 videos below

3. Copy the YouTube video URL into your own blog and write a short blurb about what you learnt

4. Make a Canva document of your own with examples of the following shot-types

(you can take photos on your phone, upload to your computer and then embed them into your blog post)

5. Include a sentence or 2 explaining why this shot may be useful in creating meaning or evoking a certain response from the audience. 

a. close-up

b. extreme close-up

c. establishing shot 

d. mid-shot

e. low angle shot

f. high angle shot

g. canted angle 

h. point of view shot 

i. over-the-shouler shot

Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Wed 29th Jan 25'

Hi class

Today we will get cracking on the unit of work we are launching into. 

1. After that, have a watch of this video which explains a bit more.

2. Then please fill in the questionnaire so I can get to know you a bit more

3. Lastly, check out some blogs of previous years. Have a look at the preliinary tasks vs. the foundation portfolio projects. Notice what is impressive and what looks amateur. Get some ideas for your own projects. 


Monday, 27 January 2025

WELCOME to AS Media Studies 2025


Well done in making it to AS level Media Studies this year! It's going to be a fun ride :)

By now we would have had a chat where you would have been spoken through the year plan and given an overview of what lies ahead.

Here's your checklist of what to do today;

1. Crate a Gmail accout to use for school (this should be sensible and include your name somehow)

2. Create a blog with your Gmail account and full name using 

3. Email me at with your log in details for your Gmail as well as your blogger link (username and password)

4. Create a Youtube account using your Gmail you've just created

Once you've done that, have a look through solme of the blogs of previous students and star to get an idea of what you're required to do this year.

Looking foreward to chatting about this course, more! 
