
Wednesday, 26 October 2016


Hi girls,

I hope your study break is going well for you.

Below is a list of shows that I think Cambridge MIGHT consider for the examination.  At the very least, they're good practice.

Remember, just because they may be used does not make them 'wholesome' shows.  All are to be viewed with discretion and discernment, and most definitely with the approval of your parents.

  • House of Cards
  • Mad Men
  • Mercy Street
  • The Get-Down
  • 11.22.63
  • Halt and Catch Fire
  • Narcos
  • Grey's Anatomy

(It also occurred to me that Orange is the New Black may be a candidate, yet I couldn't find a clear 3 minutes - let alone 5! - where they didn't drop the f-bomb.)

I suggest familiarising yourselves with a range of shows that cover all the genres in our course book.  So far Cambridge seems to have focused on period dramas, but this may also indicate they're about to not do that anymore.

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Blog presentations - final order

Hi girls,

You'll want to have it laid out so examiners find it easy to read.  To that end, do it like this:

  1. Final product
  2. CCR
  3. Process / Planning

Research should all be clearly tagged and labelled, including the following tasks:

  • Logo investigations
  • Thriller sub-genres
  • Representation codes & conventions
  • Opening Sequences analyses
  • Opening Titles & Sequences - discussion & analysis

Be blessed, and let me know if you have any further questions!

- T. Marcus

Sunday, 31 July 2016

Representation task: Extract - The Young and the Restless

Hi everyone,

You're going to have to use this link to view the video.  Follow the instructions below.

You should view this extract several times.  during the first screening, you should not make notes; during the second, third and fourth screenings you should make notes, and take 2 minutes after these 2nd, 3rd and 4th viewings (time yourself if possible!) to make further notes.

Extract: The Young and the Restless (season 42, episode 10700, 2015 dir. Sally McDonald)

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs meaning through the following:
  • camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • editing
  • sound
  • mise-en-scene.

Have fun!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 7 July 2016

Term Two Holiday tasks!

Hi girls!

Well done on making it through everything so far!  Make sure you look after yourselves and come back rested!

While you're on break:

1.  Edits / CCR
  • I expect that your final edit will be completed and ready for export by the first day of Term Three.
  • I will be here next week Tuesday, all day.  Beyond that, there will be no editing during Summit Week.
  • Having said that, the 2nd and 3rd weeks of the term break can include edit days upon request only; text me with day requests and we'll go from there.

2.  The Survey-
   Conduct a survey, with the goal of ascertaining film consumption patterns

  • Survey should involve at least 40 randomly selected people (not your family!)
  • Make it easy on yourself!  Construct a chart that allows you to poll a small group simultaneously rather than one individual at a time!
  • Taking the survey should take between 2-5mins at most.  Let people know that.

Data for each person polled should include, but are not solely restricted to:

  • Age
  • Preferred genre
  • Estimated number of movies watched per year
  • Estimated number of times they watch those films at a cinema
  • Names of top three most frequented cinema establishments
  • Most recent movie seen

If film-watching normally takes place at home, do they generally:

  • Watch film from start to finish, no breaks
  • Watch film with short breaks (get water, answer door, etc)
  • Watch film with longer breaks (please specify break length and reason)

It could also be a good idea to find out about people's use of LightBox / Netflix / DVD / other forms of home-viewing, including illegal download.

I've got so much else I'd like us to do but all this is quite enough for the three weeks we have.


- T. Marcus

Thursday, 30 June 2016

Photoshop links

Hey girls,

For the Phlearn vids, at the end of the first three he does a sumup of what the video has covered and a VERY fast illustration of how to do it.  You could use this sumup to figure out roughly what you'd like to investigate further and where it might be in the larger clip.

Here's a quickchart to save you some time and help focus your searches.

Vid 1-
   15:00   Keyframes and fading, setup for titles
   22:30   Sumup of essential steps

Vid 2-
   16:29   Sumup of essential steps

Vid 3-
   10:56   Sumup of essential steps

No shortcut for the 4th vid.  Sorry.  Still, well worth watching, as he works with titles and shadow effects.  Very cool.

Hope this was helpful!

- T. Marcus

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Trial versions...

Hi girls,

To download the trial versions, you're going to need to fill in a questionnaire.  Don't worry; it's short.

Still.  If I were you, I'd get both Photoshop and Premiere Pro.

Once you've clicked on the link, choose the appropriate software and it will take you through the short questionnaire process, then begin downloading.  It will take some time; this is not a small program.  Depending on your download speed and available monthly data for your internet plan, you may wish to be strategic about how & where you download.

For your convenience, this link takes you straight to the Photoshop questionnaire page.
This one takes you straight to the Premiere Pro page.
If you'd like to see more Adobe products, here's the Creative Cloud page.

Once you open the program for the first time, you will have full functionality of that program for ONE MONTH.  For the purposes of our class, that's fine; a month from now our work will be done.

Let me know if you have any questions.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 30 May 2016

Still image from Premiere Pro

Here's a few easy ways to go about it.

Export still frames and extract clip segments from film sequence
Screenshot using Premiere Pro

I didn't find any quick advice as to what file format would be good.  I chose PNG, and Photoshop opened that just fine.

Remember to name your files logically (example: Title 1 screenshot), and save them to a place you'll find it.  (Click 'Browse' when exporting the stillframe)

Have fun.

- T. Marcus

Current tasks (Plus Embedded Scroll Box)

Hi ladies,

Since you're juggling so much at the moment, I figured I'd get it all down in one place for you.

This will seem like a lot.  That's because it is.  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed; just do one thing at a time.

1. Prioritise:

  • Go through footage.  Consider impact (what will need to be re-shot, etc).
  • Plan pick-up shots.  (Plus all necessary admin, incl. shotlist, equipment prep, contacting talent, and notes about what you need and why; this is for use on your blogs)
  • Rough Cut - due Friday
  • Logo design - due Wednesday
  • Logo edit, progress check on Friday

Editing, whether sequence or logo & titles, will take TIME.  Plan your breaktime and study period editing times now, and check edit suite availability with me so we avoid clashes with Mentoring classes.

2. If you've finished the above or are simply taking a sanity break from it, you should:

  • Compile your notes for the Creative Critical Reflection.
  • Plan the look of your CCR.  You must use a different Web 2.0 tool to answer each question.
  • Look at what the class did last year.  Do not copy, yet be inspired - it's meant to be a creative process.
  • Now CCR's need to include Question 2; we will address this further in the coming weeks.

One more thing needs to be on your radar.  The final look of your personal and group blogs.  You're going to want the overall flow and aesthetic to be welcoming to your examiners.  To that end-

3a. Presentation of blogs:

  • Make sure entries are clearly labelled.
  • Make sure entries on group blog are arranged in a logically flowing sequence.
  • Back-fill appropriate information in group and personal blogs.  (Example: Sasha 2 costume info should be on Alexis' blog under planning she was responsible for during PT#2)
  • Tag your blog entries for easy access by the Cambridge mediators.

3b. Blog entries should be able to be given ONE of the following tags:

  • Research
  • Preliminary Task 1
  • Preliminary Task 2
  • Foundation Portfolio

If you have any questions, let me know.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 9 May 2016

Foundation Portfolio - planning continues

Hi girls,

For the course work assignment, now I'd like you focusing on:

  • A brainstorm
  • Script
  • Storyboard
  • Timeline for plot

You will use the above details to fix Concept, shot list, and all other aspects of planning that will need to realign to the new vision.

Have fun!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Blog tasks - reminder

Hey girls,

Just a reminder over the weekend as you scurry to get all that done:

Logo entry should basically tell what the logo used to be, what it is now, why they used it, and why they changed it - what has it come to symbolise?

Also finish-

  • CCR#2
  • Opening Sequences (3 thriller films)
  • Representations (7 key areas)

See you Monday.  :)

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Study break!!!

Well done, girls!

What a journey it's been!  I'm so proud of you - you've come a long way in a few short months!

Now on to the next phase.  Below is a list of what you should get finished over the next two weeks.
  • CCR #2 (same questions as PT#1 and PT#2, for now)
  • Opening Sequences blog entry (see separate posts in this blog; Representation - Codes & Conventions, and Opening Sequence analyses - Part 2)
  • Foundation Task planning (as per class notes)
  • Practice shoots acceptable with communication (requires driver & my prox tag for gear)
  • Possible filming days (T-F after school, Saturdays; requires driver & my prox tag for gear)
Be strategic.  Make a schedule that covers the next two weeks.  Plan out your days so that you spend time on the projects ahead.  Add rest and chocolate where needed.  :)

See you in Term 2!

- T. Marcus

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

This week...

The recent recording of ambient sound has been copied to the Card 2 folder!  Enjoy.  :)

Original post:
In light of our hard work on the in-class essay, I've decided to allow the Creative Critical Reflection for PT#2 to be completed during the term study break.  (Gratitude may be expressed through applause and / or chocolate should you find it absolutely necessary.)

Further tasks will be added in a later post - for now, finish those edits!  If you finish early, your next priority should be to complete the Opening Sequences task.

The edits are already looking much better than in the previous task!  Keep it up!  Be creative and have fun!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Fair warning...

Hi everyone,

I'm tidying the blog organisation, which means that some things aren't where they were.  Ultimately, everything is still in the tabs on the right, and SHOULD be easier to find now.

Let me know if you have any questions.

- T. Marcus

Friday, editing PT#2

Alexis -

Since you're not in today, here's what I'd like you to focus on from home and over the weekend:

Take a few minutes right now to write a bulletpoint list of things that worked well on the shoot.

  • Now write a list of things that didn't work or needed adjustment.
  • Note down some things you did in order to adjust.
  • Note down some things you've already noticed have needed adjustment in post (editing).

This information will be invaluable as you construct your blog entries for the task.

You need to make sure that the following is also on your blog:

  • Evidence of planning for Preliminary Task #1
  • Evidence of planning for Preliminary Task #2
  • Representational Codes entry (re-construct from your latest draft on your blog, if necessary)
  • Continue work on your Opening Sequences entry

Also do the study into the Logos and Credit Sequences, using the links in the Resource tab as well as in the previous two blog entries below this one.

Brooke is spending today largely in editing, and she's already discovered at least one thing that ought to have been thought of either during filming or in the pre-production planning.  Again, this is all good learning experience and preparation for the Foundation Portfolio assignment.

Hope you feel better soon!

- T. Marcus

Monday, 4 April 2016

Credit Sequences & Saul Bass

Hi ladies,

These are the links we looked at yesterday on Saul Bass.  Make sure you watch them and take notes about the importance and evolution of credit sequences over the years.


- T. Marcus

Sunday, 28 February 2016

Editing and blogwork: logging Preliminary Task #1

Hi girls,

So here's what you need to do this week:


  • Finish Eagles documentary tutorial edit- use the tutorial vids.
  • Then, do it again and try to use the vids as little as possible!  This re-do is to be finished in your study breaks (see me to schedule editing times).
  • Complete a rough edit of your filming.  This will largely be done in class time.


1.  Log the process of your planning.  Be creative and thorough!  Construct your entry in such a way that you journey your readers; explain:

  • what you were trying to achieve,
  • and why you thought your plan was the best way to reach those goals.

Must include- storyboard, script, shotlist, any further planning (i.e. costume list, props list, casting)

2.  Use Prezi and / or Emaze to write a mini-version of a Creative Critical Reflection.  Answer compulsory questions 1, 3 and 4.  Skip #2 for now.

Must include- visuals (ie. picture of storyboard, etc). We will add a link to your final video later.

Editing and blogwork are both due Monday 7th March.

Let me know if any questions!  Have fun.

- T. Marcus

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Preliminary Task - practicalities

Hi everyone,

Okay, this week you need to get the following:

  • A story for your Preliminary Task
  • Remember this needs to be 30s - 1min; cut the fluff
  • Filming will take place from 1:30pm-3:35pm this Friday.  You will need actors from approximately 1:45pm to begin getting changed and meet you where you are setting up.
  • Organise talent (actors/actresses) IN ADVANCE
  • Organise and necessary costumes and props
  • Remember to consider props that may be necessary for the location / studio you intend
  • Consider lighting; who will hold the fleccie?
  • Consider roles and distribute them.  Show me who is responsible for what.
  • Consider sound; what else will be happening at that time?  Any natural sound that may interfere?

To the right is a temporary tab that we will be discussing in class tomorrow before continuing with in-class planning and equipment tutorials.  Feel free to view as often as you like for now; I'll be removing it Friday.

Next week we will be looking at more information about Thrillers that can be used to fix our blog entries.

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Welcome to 2016 AS Media Studies!


By now we've hit the ground running, and I'm sure your minds are buzzing with questions and hopefully some emerging ideas on what you will film later.  We've only just begun.

For now, we need to do some groundwork to lay the foundation for what's coming.

Here's a short list of actions necessary over the long weekend-

  • Go to "" and create an account.
  • Your account name should follow this format: LASTNAME Firstname
  • Create a personal blog- the url should read "". (Example-
  • Title this blog: AS Media Coursework 2016

When creating a blog post, you'll want to use the "Label" function (looks like a little post-office tag) to help you easily track and group your work.  The following will be your groupings for the remainder of the year:

  • Research
  • Preliminary Task 1
  • Preliminary Task 2
  • Foundation Portfolio

Any further labels can be made at your discretion if you feel it is justified during production of your Foundation Portfolio assignment. (For example: If you physically sewed the costumes together using twine you personally made out of cotton that you picked from your grandfather's field, you'd want to document that process.)

Additionally, I would like you to review the glossary handout.  Be familiar with the following key technical areas-

Camera shots, angle, movement and composition:
            shots: establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point-of-view shot, over-the-shoulder shot, and variations of these 

            angle: high angle, low angle, canted angle 

            movement: pan, tilt, track, dolly, crane, steadicam, hand-held, zoom, reverse zoom 

            composition: framing, rule of thirds, depth of field – deep and shallow focus, focus pulls. 


This includes transition of image and sound – continuity and non-continuity systems.
            cutting: shot/reverse shot, eyeline match, graphic match, action match, jump cut, crosscutting, parallel editing, cutaway, insert 

            other transitions: dissolve, fade-in, fade-out, wipe, superimposition, long take, short take, slow motion, ellipsis and expansion of time, post-production, visual effects. 


            diegetic and non-diegetic sound, synchronous/asynchronous sound, sound effects, sound motif, sound bridge, dialogue, voiceover, mode of address/direct address, sound mixing, sound perspective 

            soundtrack: score, incidental music, themes and stings, ambient sound.


            production design: location, studio, set design, costume and make-up, properties 

            lighting, colour design. 

Have a great weekend!  See you Tuesday.

- T. Marcus