
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Trial versions...

Hi girls,

To download the trial versions, you're going to need to fill in a questionnaire.  Don't worry; it's short.

Still.  If I were you, I'd get both Photoshop and Premiere Pro.

Once you've clicked on the link, choose the appropriate software and it will take you through the short questionnaire process, then begin downloading.  It will take some time; this is not a small program.  Depending on your download speed and available monthly data for your internet plan, you may wish to be strategic about how & where you download.

For your convenience, this link takes you straight to the Photoshop questionnaire page.
This one takes you straight to the Premiere Pro page.
If you'd like to see more Adobe products, here's the Creative Cloud page.

Once you open the program for the first time, you will have full functionality of that program for ONE MONTH.  For the purposes of our class, that's fine; a month from now our work will be done.

Let me know if you have any questions.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 30 May 2016

Still image from Premiere Pro

Here's a few easy ways to go about it.

Export still frames and extract clip segments from film sequence
Screenshot using Premiere Pro

I didn't find any quick advice as to what file format would be good.  I chose PNG, and Photoshop opened that just fine.

Remember to name your files logically (example: Title 1 screenshot), and save them to a place you'll find it.  (Click 'Browse' when exporting the stillframe)

Have fun.

- T. Marcus

Current tasks (Plus Embedded Scroll Box)

Hi ladies,

Since you're juggling so much at the moment, I figured I'd get it all down in one place for you.

This will seem like a lot.  That's because it is.  Don't let yourself get overwhelmed; just do one thing at a time.

1. Prioritise:

  • Go through footage.  Consider impact (what will need to be re-shot, etc).
  • Plan pick-up shots.  (Plus all necessary admin, incl. shotlist, equipment prep, contacting talent, and notes about what you need and why; this is for use on your blogs)
  • Rough Cut - due Friday
  • Logo design - due Wednesday
  • Logo edit, progress check on Friday

Editing, whether sequence or logo & titles, will take TIME.  Plan your breaktime and study period editing times now, and check edit suite availability with me so we avoid clashes with Mentoring classes.

2. If you've finished the above or are simply taking a sanity break from it, you should:

  • Compile your notes for the Creative Critical Reflection.
  • Plan the look of your CCR.  You must use a different Web 2.0 tool to answer each question.
  • Look at what the class did last year.  Do not copy, yet be inspired - it's meant to be a creative process.
  • Now CCR's need to include Question 2; we will address this further in the coming weeks.

One more thing needs to be on your radar.  The final look of your personal and group blogs.  You're going to want the overall flow and aesthetic to be welcoming to your examiners.  To that end-

3a. Presentation of blogs:

  • Make sure entries are clearly labelled.
  • Make sure entries on group blog are arranged in a logically flowing sequence.
  • Back-fill appropriate information in group and personal blogs.  (Example: Sasha 2 costume info should be on Alexis' blog under planning she was responsible for during PT#2)
  • Tag your blog entries for easy access by the Cambridge mediators.

3b. Blog entries should be able to be given ONE of the following tags:

  • Research
  • Preliminary Task 1
  • Preliminary Task 2
  • Foundation Portfolio

If you have any questions, let me know.

- T. Marcus

Monday, 9 May 2016

Foundation Portfolio - planning continues

Hi girls,

For the course work assignment, now I'd like you focusing on:

  • A brainstorm
  • Script
  • Storyboard
  • Timeline for plot

You will use the above details to fix Concept, shot list, and all other aspects of planning that will need to realign to the new vision.

Have fun!

- T. Marcus

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Blog tasks - reminder

Hey girls,

Just a reminder over the weekend as you scurry to get all that done:

Logo entry should basically tell what the logo used to be, what it is now, why they used it, and why they changed it - what has it come to symbolise?

Also finish-

  • CCR#2
  • Opening Sequences (3 thriller films)
  • Representations (7 key areas)

See you Monday.  :)

- T. Marcus