
Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Classwork Friday 15th May - Synergy & Cross Media Convergence

Hi guys

Our LAST online work before we head back to school! Let's finish strong!!

This is something I want you to work on TODAY and you can have the weekend to finish it. These are due on Monday at media class. 

Today you are going to write an essay on Cross-Media-Convergence and synergy.


How do companies use cross-media-convergence and synergy to promote media products and to what extent does that cause a film to be successful? 

To plan;

1. Come up with a topic sentence. A starting statement that encapsulates what you believe the answer to the question is.

2. Write down 4 - 5 bullet point sentences that encapsulate the MAIN POINTS you would use to argue this point.

3. Under each main bullet point, write in brackets what case study information from your own case study or your class case studies / research that will be relevant and add detail to your argument.

I want you to explain / analyse/ comment on and include the following concepts;

1. Disney as a conglomerate - how does Disney have an advantage? (GIVE EXAMPLES of vertical & horizontal integration and how it uses synergy & CMC to promote films. How successful are those efforts? Give evidence with gross earnings for films (how well did they do?)

This paragraph can be split into at least 2 paragraphs. LOTS of examples needed here. Look up lots of businesses that Disney owns and how they use CMC for things like soundtracks / video games/ TV commercials run by their own TV networks / using famous stars to promote the films etc.

2. CMC and synergy limitations in smaller companies / indi filmmakers. Comment on rise of internet being a valuable tool that levels playing field a bit. What online tools can and do indi filmmakers use LOTS OF EXAMPLES HERE - Facebook fan pages likes/ follows? Hits on Youtube? other clever marketing campaigns??(The Dark Knight / What we Do In The Shadows examples) How has being able to be screened on Netflix and other VOD sites helped?

3. NZFC - how do NZ-made films benefit from CMC and synergy? (NZ government interested in tourism/ local economic growth / development of local talent). Comment on population and audience numbers in NZ vs. US for example. Give case study examples for your NZ film. Use example of The Hobit being used on Air NZ in-flight safety video. How many hits did that get on Youtube? How else can NZ government use CMC to promote films? Think TV etc.

4. Analysis. what is your opinion (based on research). How many people are seeing the big budget movies and how much of that success is based on marketing? What were marketing budgets for blockbuster and in comparison, how well did they do?

5. Impact of Internet and more specifically web 2.0 on CMC/ synergy extended info - how many people in NZ online? How many people globally? How many people on social media? How are films promoted via social media? give lots of examples. How else does the internet play a role in CMC / synergy? (the ability for audiences to INTERACT with the media!! Liking & sharing. Reviewing and documenting of social media that they're seeing the film. Creates HYPE and a buzz around a film's release. Gives companies ability to totally saturate our online activity with marketing for a film (in advertising as well as other ways of CMC).

Some good notes / points about Disney and CMC

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